Wednesday 4 September 2024


 I noticed when I put the two bears on last week that I had forgot to show you the first 4 I made for this customer....

These were made for a Dad/Grandad who died far too young and were made from his favourite clothes.....each item holding special memories.

The clothing for these 4 arrived Tuesday afternoon from South Wales....aren't they bright and cheery?

They are made in memory of my customer's son to give to his siblings and she is coming up from South Wales to collect them at the end of the week when she visits family members.

I think I was very missed while I was away on my holidays because since I started back on Tuesday morning I have.....

  • Made 2 memory bears with personalised labels
  • Removed belt straps from a dress.
  • Shortened a pair of trousers
  • Shortened 2 skirts
  • Rehemmed 3 pair of trousers
  • Replaced a concealed zip in a skirt
  • Shortened 2 Nurses dresses
  • Made the 4 memory bears [above]
  • Repaired the underarm seams on a waterproof jacket
  • Shortened 2 pair of nurse's trousers
  • Shortened a pair of jeans
  • Repaired a seam on an evening dress and
  • Shortened a pair of jeans
This was all done last week and that also included a day sewing with the twins on Wednesday.....the customers kept coming but the jobs were put in a queue to do Thursday and Friday :-)

This week has started very differently as I have had no sewing to do for my customers as yet [I know I have some coming] so I have made the best of my break and....

I planned and cut out all these pieces.....I bought a new bag while I was away on holiday and fancied making another one from denim.

Hey new denim zipped bag with a zipped pocket on the front  and it's fully lined with two open pockets and another zipped pocket inside too......I'm really pleased with it and it has been made totally with fabrics/ zips/ webbing etc that I had in stock.....and that pleased me all the more.

That's all from me for this week.  I hope you have enjoyed your visit and will leave me a little message so I know you've called in and I will do my best to pay you a return visit as soon as I'm able.


Annie x


Helen said...

Quite a list of jobs you had last week! the denim bag is great, and well done for using bits from your stock too. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Twiglet said...

Wow. Your denim bag is fab. Well done you .😃x x Jo 🌈

Lunch Lady Jan said...

The denim bag is fab, I like the twist feature details, that really elevates it - hooray for making it from stash too! You’ve been a busy bee this week, I thought you were supposed to be retired…… ;-D
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

BJ said...

WOW, adore the denim bag, love zipped pockets and the twisted detail is super. Hugs BJ#9

Lynnecrafts said...

I do wish you lived closer, Annie! You’ve achieved an amazing amount of mending this week. Your Welsh bears are beautiful and so brightly coloured and that denim bag is just fantastic!
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 10 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Absolutely love your denim bag, though I am amazed you had time to make it after your busy week. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Neet said...

Lovely denim bag - great decoration on it.
I always wonder, when I see the Memory Bears, do you ever shed a tear when you have to make them and hear some of the stories that are going with them? You doing the Bears is a bit like The Repair Shop on TV and that can be a teary programme at times.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Looks like you've been well busy since you got back, surprised you had time to make the bag but love it to bits. I keep looking at some old jeans and wondering if I can make something with them. Have a good woyww, hugs Angela x12x

Lisa-Jane said...

What a fabulous bag!? I love the twisted contrasting fabric on the front - very pretty but looks functional too. I love the contrast in the two sets of bears too - one very monotone and the other so colourful!! Best wishes, Lisa-Jane #11

Sarah Brennan said...

What a busy week Annie! Love that bag, especially as it is made from fabric you already had. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW, Sarah