Friday, 22 February 2019

This week's smiles....week 309

Oh wow these weeks sure do seem to fly by.  Here we are at my weekly catch up of what's made me smile over the week....and although I'm still coughing, wheezing and having broken nights sleep I have lots to smile about.....that even includes grabbing a bottle of cough medicine in the middle of the night in desperation only to look the following morning and see it expired in 2015!!  I survived!!

So here's a few snaps of what's made me smile this week.....

We have more signs of Spring in the garden and that always makes me smile....warmer, sunny days to come now :-) :-)

Amy's youngest, Steve went on a football training day this week and was so chuffed at the end of his day to be chosen as player of the day.  He has now been given the chance to have a matchday experience for the Shrewsbury v Doncaster match....this means he will get to wave the flag as the players enter at the beginning of the game and play a game on the pitch at half time....he's so excited.

Lexi has chosen to have her long hair cut this was quite a surprise to see it so short and doesn't she look so grown up now?

She will be starting tap and street dance classes after Easter and moving up to the junior musical theatre classes to start rehearsing for their next show...Madagascar! ...I like to move it...move it.

She's always doing her gymnastics or dancing around the house. :-)

Our little Theo has started potty training this week and is so proud of all the stickers he's got in his book for dry pants....they grow up sooooo quickly don't they?

Mark and Gina put their house on the market this week and it's sold in just three days....hoping to move to a bigger house soon.

So, as you can see, I've had lots to smile about.  please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and, if you can, then please link up to your smiles below.  Have a good week and stay clear of these nasty bugs if you can.
Annie x


1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Flowers and your grandchildren always make me smile. I can see YOU are as proud of Steve as he is happy to be chosen. Pretty impressive.

Lexi is definitely growing up and I remember when she had little ringlet curls and very short hair. Congrats to Theo, too. I've heard boys are actually easier to train than girls, but I have two cats who have their own sandboxes (grin).

Have a super Friday and awesome weekend, too, dear Annie.

2. Catriona said...

Lexi is indeed very grown up looking in the photo and her hair is so beautifully styled in the photo. The boys both look very proud of themselves for their achievements and rightly so. Hope that infernal cough goes soon-hopefully the lovely fresh air and sunshine will help. That’s such good news about the house being sold so quickly-the motorhome may be in use as extra sleeping quarters if they have a gap between houses.

3. Twiglet said...

Lots to smile about there Annie. Glad you survived the cough medicine! xx Jo

4. Lisca said...

Sorry I'm late. I link up first thing in the morning but don't have time to comment until I come back from the gym and have had my breakfast. So here I am, smiling with you at your lovely photos and good news.
The kiddos really are growing up so fast. Well done Steve. It will be fun for him to have a Matchday experience. Lexi looks so pretty in her new hairstyle. And isn't she good doing all that different styles of dancing. It must be in her blood. Does she get it from you? Were you a dancer when you were younger?
I'm sorry you are still coughing and spluttering. What a bother! Spring can't come soon enough.
I loved your flowers (bulbs) That is garanteed to make me smile.
Such good news to hear M&G have sold their house so quickly. That is really unusual.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Stay safe,

5. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Annie, just got back from walking the dogs. No gym today as my buddy has gone away for a few days so it's a good excuse to have a lie in. Looks like you've been having a good week and the family too. The daffodils are all starting to flower here too, seems quite early but it's been so mild this year. The Blue Tits are all busy too, going in and out of their box so spring must be on it's way! Have a lovely weekend, I'm off to the craft club tomorrow and really looking forward to it, just need to decide what to take with me. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

6. Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, you certainly have had much to smile about. Congratulations to Steve - he's doing so well! And Lexi too - what a talented lot your grandchildren are. Good luck to Theo - he seems to be just grand with his training. Well don to Mark & Gina selling their house so quickly and good luck with the search for a new home. Hugs, Ellie xx

7. mamapez5 said...

I love the spring flowers Annie.They are so sweet and delicate compared with some of the summer ones.
Well done to Steve with his training day. What a lovely experience he has to look forward to.
Lexi is certainly growing up fast. Quite the young lady now. And she has plenty of activities to keep happy and fit.
I am glad our potty training days are long gone, but i have to say that stickers are the best incentive ever.
How lucky for them to sell their house so quickly. I hope they find a new one just as fast.
Kate x

8. Julia Dunnit said...

I’m late again, for WOYWW, so think it best to chat on a current post! So sorry that you too have been coughing and wheezing. Its such a wlovely sate of time being poorly. Really losing 10 days from February has made me cross, someo ne’s having a laugh with the speed of things already! Like you am enjoying the early signs of spring and definitely longer days. Lovely to see your gorgeous grandchildren - they are growing up fast, my word.

9. Anne (cornucopia) said...

Wonderful photos.