Wednesday, 19 November 2014


Hi friends. Here we are at another of our fun days of the week when we all link up for snooping fun and games.  Please pop over to Julia's to check out the details and to link up to join in the fun.

So here's my desk today...

So there you go....feel free to click on the picture to have a closer look or just have a glance at the snaps below for a bit closer detail.

I've played with the dolly pegs you saw on my desk last week.  Put them together with some paint, a bit of felt, a length of shiny ribbon and rather a lot of....

......glue.....yes some of it did go where it was meant to!!

 And I've managed to make 5 little Christmas tree hangers for 5 special little people in my life.....hope they like them. I always make each of them a little something to go on their trees every year...memories in the making for them.

My next project is to use these gorgeous wooden beads....... some of this bag of cord scraps [I knew there was a reason I saved this].......

5 sets of wooden chop sticks and........

Well ?!!, I'm still playing so watch this space to see what develops.

Thanks for dropping by again this week.  Hope you will leave me a comment to say you've called by so I can pay you a return visit and do call back next week if you want to see what develops from my fun and games here at Sewing by Annie's.

Annie x


1. Helen said...

Gorgeous tree decorations! Hope they all treasure them for years to come. Can't wait to see what you do with those wooden beads, I love them! Helen 4

2. Nikki said...

Those are just such sweet decorations you have made I'm sure they are going to love them hugs Nikki no desk this week

3. okienurse said...

What an awesome sweet decoration for the 5 grand babies! i need to get something together for the girls this year cause I feel like Teresa especially will start remembering holidays and gifts. Glad to hear Jo's and your daughters surgeries went well. Good for you getting away it sounds like you needed it! Talk about stress! Have a great week. Vickie #17

4. Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Those tree hangers are brilliant. How lovely for all your grandchildren to start collecting a set of decorations, with such special meaning. I didn't start that tradition until I had my own children. My tree was rather bare when I first left home!

Fiona #22

5. Chrysalis said...

Oh, Annie - your nativity figures are so cute. You've given me a great idea, but it might have to wait til next year ho-ho-ho! Can't wait to see what the wooden balls morph into. Happy crafting, Chris # 8

6. lisa said...

Ohhh Annie, your Nativity pegs are gorgeous, you are so clever. All your beads and bits still have me baffled but I know you and they will turn into something gorgeous I know.
Have a good week.
Hugs Lisax #38

7. sandra de said...

Ohh they are absolutely gorgeous and I can't believe they started life as a peg. Amazing.
Sandra de @21

8. Artatag said...

This is a wonderful decoration! Are you going to make some angels too?
Gabriele 26

9. MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I love how you have put all those lovely little things together from apparently unconnected bits and pieces. Those Christmas tree decorations will be treasured for many years, I am certain. Have a good gluey week. xx Maggie

10. Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. You are so clever. I love those decorations. Look forward to see what you create next. Ali x #42

11. Robyn said...

so much join ton here- love all the pits and pieces- must find a way to get the sewing machine onto my desk.
Robyn 3

12. Neet said...

Those peg dolls are adorable - why not make some to sell?
You know, I enlarged the first picture to see what the sticks were for, no wiser. Got down the page and I saw the sticks - thinking 'good gonna get to know' but oh no. Annie struck - keeping me in suspense for another week.
Have a good one - you are a love
Hugs, Neet 27 xx

13. Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, how sweet are these little peg dolls ... very clever - five little people are going to love them. Can't wait to see what you make with the wooden balls, sticks and cord - the mind boggles :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x #46

14. Lunch Lady Jan said...

It's like a Blue Peter craft session at your place! You're just missing the sticky backed plastic!
Seriously, the Nativity hangers are fab!
Hugs, LLJ 18 xx

15. Karon said...

Oh my goodness - these are so adorable. What wonderful peggy dolls. TFS and have a great week.

Karon #49
Karon's Krafty Korner

16. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Doesn't it always get where it's not supposed to, glue I mean.
Have a great crafty week, Angela x 28

17. Anne said...

Oh I do like the decorations Annie - clever you. Happy WOYWW Anne x #34

18. pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow! Love those tree decorations! Gluey fingers? Yep! Me too! Thanks for visiting, Chris64 x

19. Julia Dunnit said...

Well I can't tell what chopsticks, wooden balls and cord are going to become.! Love the nativity decorations, what a lovely idea, and oh the bliss of peeling PBa off your fingers after a glue session!

20. voodoo vixen said...

H Annie, love the tree decs for the littlies, perfect little memories in the making. I knew a Danish lady who made little felt decs for each of her kids all the time they were growing up and then gifted them to each when they left home for their own trees... fabulous idea eh? Annette #11

21. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Stopped by to say HI, and while I was reading, got the idea for the tree ornaments. I have a friend who one of these would be perfect for.

Look forward to seeing what all the other things turn into. I have chop sticks, so that might be something I would be interested in, too.

Saw also that your sis seems to be on the road to recovery.

22. Anonymous said...

I'm intrigued... what are you going to make with those ingredients?! :D I'm staying tuned...
Beth P

23. Twiglet said...

Love the little nativity decorations. x Jo

24. Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Annie, thanks for your visit and happy WOYWW. Your little nativity tree hangers are too cute and so special. Had a bit of a run in with glue myself this week and I will be checking to see what you'l be making. Cheers Robyn

25. fairyrocks said...

This is a sweet project. Love the walk through. I started some decorations, but abandon it for a bigger project. I don't do that often, but after seeing these, you make me want to try again. LOL. Keep smiling and creating.

26. Mrs.D said...

Annie, those Christmas tree decorations are so special, the real meaning of Christmas for each of your grandchildren. What a wonderful granny you are.
Thanks for popping by my desk, yes we'll celebrate Christmas in February togethr.
Bless you
Chris #25

27. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Annie ... well am posting already my Annie's smiles :D was super late for WOYWW and now super early (well 1pm Friday here) and so just might balance out. I really adore your Mary Joseph and Jesus hangers for the children very very clever!! Shaz in Oz.x #76

28. Carmen said...

What gorgeous decorations, just love them :)

Am looking forward to seeing what you do with those beads!

Thanks for stopping by to see me already.

Carmen x #52

29. 505whimsygirl said...

hi Annie,

Love those little peg ornaments! Funny I showed off my clothes pins ornaments this week! We are kind of on the same theme here.

I LOVE peeling dried glue off my finger. I think it reverts me back to art class in grade school.

I'm slowly making my way around to desks. Thank you for visiting me earlier!
Happy belated WOYWW,
Hugs, Kay

30. Lisca said...

Oh those tree decorations are so sweet! Clever you!
Thank you for letting me look over your shoulder.
I'm a bit late, but as most people know, I take my time to read through everybody's blog. I love looking at photos, and clicking on links and even reading previous posts.
Have a good week,

31. peggy aplSEEDS said...

Oh Annie, I love those cute Holy family ornaments! Cute, cute, cute!

32. fairy thoughts said...

Hi Annie .... it looks like you have been having fun with the tree decorations, its amazing what you can do with everyday objects... turning them into great little decorations.
No sewing action this week ?
janet .... finally catching up