Friday 21 November 2014

This week's smiles...week 94

Hi folks.  Here we are at another Friday catch up of the week's smiles.  I really loved all the smiles you shared with us this last week so I must say a huge thank you to all that take the time out to join in the fun.  I would like to feature the funny word definitions that Sam shared with us last week....they really got me chuckling so are worth popping over to check them out if you haven't already.  Thanks Sam.

My smiles more than often focus on my wonderful family.  I treasure each and every family member and can guarantee that they will give me something to smile about every day.  Most of you will know that my, much older, sister Jo has given us a few anxious times lately with her gall bladder problems and as you can imagine our quality together time has been limited while she has been recovering from her surgery but Tuesday night she felt able to join me for the evening while our men went to watch Shrewsbury Town win at footy.  We had a wonderful chill out evening catching up and it really made me realise what a very special relationship we have....we are blessed.

Here she is thankfully looking much better than she did when I'd seen her the time before [a few hours after her surgery!].

I'm married to a man who can turn his hand to anything and everything from cooking, cleaning, ironing and normal day to day chores to just about anything in the way of DIY.  He has mastered building work, electrics, painting and decorating and plumbing to name but a few.....I'm blessed having such a wonderful man in my life.

Our son got married last year and, with his wife, is setting up their first home.  It's wonderful watching them making it theirs plus I am really enjoying watching his Dad passing on his skills.  Mark really does follow in his Dad's footsteps in that he is very able to turn his hand to anything.  In this pic he is fitting a new bathroom in their home with a little bit of help and guidance.....always makes me smile. :-)

This week's developments with the K'nex has seen Lexi building a boat with a wind turbine! to power it.  :-)

And Sam has built his own ladder.....he's obviously aiming to reach the top isn't he?  :-)

The last pic I'm sharing today is this one of my little munchkins having bubbly bath time fun with their Nanny Annie.....I'm so very blessed to have such a lot of very special family together time. :-)

So there you go.  I've had so much to make me smile this week.  Please snap away and share your happy moments with us by linking them below and I will be over to check them out as soon as I can.

Annie x


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

What a lot of smiles this week. So good to see Jo is better. I'm hoping she's on the road to recovery, now.

Of course, the munchkin twins are always fun to see and they always bring out a smile.

It's also nice to see that your dearly beloved and your son are working together to fit a tub in place.

Have a lovely Friday and weekend, dear Annie. You have a LOT to smile about.

Helen said...

Loving all the photos this week, Annie! Glad Jo is recovering well.

Julia Dunnit said...

Happy to hear that Jo is on the mend...this is the surgery I had in Spain in the summer and when we got home I spent two weeks doing nothing and feeling incredibly tired....tell her not to rush things, it does come back eventually! I love the pic of the twins in the bath...its a tradition to use the bath for a photo shoot isn't it..there were four of us and Pa always says it's the only place he could get all four of us together in the really young days!!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah great post Annie am glad to hear Jo is on the mend as have had the op. I can only second Julia's comment.
..and your munchkins always are charming :D
Happy Smiles day, Shaz in Oz.x

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Annie, happy Friday to you and Jo, so glad she's feeling much better and came for a visit...nice to have your sister close by. Mine are many miles away but we always have a great time when we get together. I have a handy man too and who also loves to cook (when he's home) and it gives me a rest from it day in day out meals. Your grandies are such happy chaps, lovely to see them each week, wish I lived closer to Sophie. Have a wonderful weekend, hugs Robyn

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I had to laugh at your comment about my thread drawer. I have two more thread drawers that are actually FULL. The ones I showed are the variegated and the odd size thread rolls. It's the only place I had to put the few bobbins I own. Of course, I also only have ONE sewing machine and it doesn't do much.

Twiglet said...

Thanks for showing the world!! So glad I am on the mend. I love your happy pics and they do make me smile too. x Jo

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Annie,

Your sister looks as though she enjoyed your time together and is recovering nicely! I can't believe how big the twins are getting! I remember when they were due and then came into the world; so tiny and fragile. Family love has certainly blossomed!

I joined in this week, but first I have to still visit WOYWW desks!


Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, it's lovely to see Jo getting out and about again. And, as usual, the twins are a delight to see. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos. Have a great week. Elizabeth xx

Hettie said...

Aww Bless ya. Thanks for mentioning me in your post!
Great pics and glad to see your older sister is able to join you for an evening now.
I was thinking along the same lines as Kay!

Hettie said...

PS Got another reason to smile a new toy!! It is made by a company beginning with B....

mamapez5 said...

I couldn´t link up earlier but it seems to have worked this time. It sounds as though your hubby is a real gem. More lovely photos of the little ones. Have a good week. Kate x

Twiggy said...

Your photos mad me smile too, especially the last one, what cuties
Twiggy x

fairy thoughts said...

you are indeed blessed with your lovely family.... but then so are they with you. you certainly have a great relationship with your little munchkins. glad to hear Jo is getting on ok.

JoZart Designs said...

lovely post from you Annie. Pleased to see Jo on the mend and the munchkins always bring a smile. I just wish I had a handyman like your's. Back from the Lakes and off to Canterbury next week! Can't be bad!
Jo x

Lisca said...

I'm so glad your sister is feeling better and that you had good quality time together while the men were at footie.
I love the photos of your grandies playing with the 'whatsits'.
Sorry I'm late, but I like to take my time and look at everybody's blog. I read it all and look at the links etc.
Thank you for letting me look over your shoulder.
Have a good week,