Friday, 7 November 2014

This week's smiles....week 92

Hello fellow happy bloggers.  Thank you to all of you who joined in last week.  I'm featuring someone who posted twice at a time that most folk wouldn't have posted even once.  Sam had had a really nasty fall last week and has two legs that have gone through most of the colours of the rainbow since but she still took the time out to share her smiles.  The second post with a really cute little bunny on it's back really made me chuckle....I just can't imagine any of us looking that cute whilst floundering on our backs having just fallen over.  I really hope Sam is healing well and making a good recovery and would like to send her lots of special hugs from us all.

My big sister Jo [Twiglet] was taken to hospital in pain with her gall stones early hours of yesterday and I'm sorry to say that although she was kept starved all day yesterday in preparation for surgery she has had to wait til this morning before she has her op [the NHS has a lot to answer for!]....  Really hope all goes well and she gets well soon xxxx

My smiles for this week have to be a couple of photos of our eldest granddaughter Phoebe who celebrated her 6th Birthday yesterday.  She is such a lovely girl and makes us all very proud every day.

She is a big lover of Frozen so her mummy and daddy chose that for her birthday banner....I think she likes it don't you? :-)

Here she is proudly showing off her new bike....I bet she can't wait for the weekend to come so she can get out to play on it.

This last funny is a pic I found on Pinterest while searching for ideas for Christmas crafts.  I thought there would be lots of cat lovers out there that would have a chuckle at this one.

That's it from me for today.  Please snap something that has made you smile this week and share it with us by linking below and I will pop over to check out happy posts.

Annie x


1. Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Phoebe is adorable, and I know she will get a lot of use out of that bike. I agree that she looks like that banner was probably a perfect way to celebrate her birthday.

I'm so sorry to read about Jo. I can't begin to imagine how awful that must have been to be in such pain and still not get anything to eat. Even something like clear broth would have been better than nothing. Please send her my best wishes for the surgery and a quick recovery.

I remember when my Grandmother had her gall stones removed. She brought them home in a jar of liquid. I was about 10 at the time, and wasn't allowed to visit her in the hospital. How times (and hospitals) have changed.

Have a lovely Friday and weekend.

2. Helen said...

Love the photos of Phoebe, hope she gets to enjoy her bike soon. (the weekend weather doesn't sound very encouraging!) I am sure the Frozen banner was loved.
Please give Jo all our love and I hope the op happens soon so she can recover. xx

3. Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Annie, happy Friday Smiles to you.Young Phoebe sure is a happy birthday girl too. Yes please pass on our get well wishes to Jo, my M-I-L is in hospital too with a nasty infection on her leg, so please all keep her in your get well thoughts too. I think the kitty is wondering what the heck are those people up to now dressing me in this...he sure looks dumb struck. Cheers and enjoy your weekend Robyn

4. Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh no, poor these hospitals not realise when surgery is looking unlikely and give the poor love at least something of light to eat? It makes me cross. I really hope the surgery goes well today and she is pain free in the future.
Lovely photos of Phoebe..oh, to be six again with a lovely new bike like that! Take care,
Hugs, LLJ xxxx

5. Laura said...

Ooh, bikes are the best birthday presents! Lucky (and absolutely gorgeous) girl.
Hope Jo is ok x

6. Hettie said...

Ooooo! Poor Twiglet!!
Great pic of Phoebe and Happy Birthday!
Thank you for picking my bunny and for thinking of me. Legs are healing slowly.

7. Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, so sorry to hear about Jo. Gall stones are the pits ... can you tell I've been there ... hope the op goes well and that she makes a quick recovery - special hugs to her.

The photos of Phoebe are super - she looks well chuffed with her new bike. Belated birthday wishes to her.

And, yes, I did chuckle at the kitten pic - though I'm 100% certain The Boss would not suffer the indignity of being dressed up in that costume, even if it does look cute :)

Thanks for making me smile again this week. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

8. Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

How sweet and a pretty new bike. Cute little Reindeer!! Hug Jo and wish her well. Hope all wend well. Have a wonderful weekend, thanks for the visit. Will be hunkered down..Sunday SNOW.WIND.COLD TEMPS...making soup and turning up the heat.

9. okienurse said...

love to see the pictures of the grandies! They always make me smile! Sorry to hear about Jo! Vickie

10. mamapez5 said...

I´m sorry to hear about your sister. I hope they have sorted her out now.
Phoebe has a lovely birthday smile. I bet she´ll enjoy getting out on that bike.
Have a happy, smiley week.
Kate x

11. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Annie, not playing this week but had to pop over
So agree re the posting of Sam pretty amazing really

And how gorgeous are the photos of your grandie.
Little Phoebe is almost too small for that bike but guess she will grow into it, what a smile :D
Happy Smiles, Shaz in Oz.x