Wednesday 3 July 2013


 Yet again blogger has played up and is linking WOYWW on Julia's blog to my wrong post!!!

If you have found your way to here on Wednesday 10th July or after please follow this link to my today's posting.

Annie x

Wahooooo  I've been paper crafting.

When you have all picked yourselves up off the floor I will continue.  :-)

On last week's WOYWW I saw the most gorgeous tag book on Jo[zart]'s blog and I left her a comment to ask if it would be possible to make one to hold my 30 plus being a complete novice at anything so clever I really had no idea.  Of course Jo being Jo she set to and straight away made one for me and another for that much older sister of mine.  She is such a kind, generous lady and as yet we have never met in person [but we have had a few lovely chats on the phone :-) ].

This is what Jo sent to me....

A fabulous tag book [she said simply made!!!!] that I really loved and a gorgeous little card with a robin on [so she knew for sure I would love that as robins just have to be my favourite little birds.]  :-)

So I straight away took all my last year WOYWW celebration ATCs down off my cupboard door [you can see the pic I posted last year of the display] and I filled the pages in my new tag book....wahooo I love it.  Thanks so much Jo.

Now I can hear you all saying..."so where is your paper crafting Annie?"  Of course once I'd seen the gorgeous book Jo made for me it gave me the challenge of making one for this year's ATC collection.


Out came some of my stash of paper crafting materials....yes I really do have rather a lot of stash I rarely look at let alone actually do something with....of course it did help that I didn't have any sewing to do!

And here is my very first tag book made using the design Jo had used.....I hope you're proud of me Jo cos now I'm totally hooked.

It includes lots of snippets so I'm linking it over at Di's playground for this week....I'm sure she will be seriously in shock to see me paper crafting to join in the playground fun.

Of course the front cover had to have a dumfed flower picture done with machine/hand embroidery and beading on it ...fabric crafts is really what I do  :-)  The photo doesn't really do it justice but I'm sure you get the idea.

 And of course I have already filled it with all the amazing ATCs I have already received.  It really blew me away to study each and every one of them as I mounted them in my very first tag each put so much love and effort into making them.

It's a real book FULL of love.  :-)

Thank you to each and every one of you and of course especially to Jo[zart]. xxxxx

Thank you for dropping by and leaving me such lovely comments.  I hope you've got over the shock of finding paper crafting going on here today.  I will do my best to call by to see what you've been up to later today or tomorrow cos I have 3 munchkin days this week, today being one of them.  :-) :-) :-)

Annie x


Neet said...

Oh WOW - clever you! May we entice you more into the world of paper?
Love the cover you have made for yours - gorgeous!
Lovely of Jo to make you this gift.
Hugs, Neet xx

Twiglet said...

Clever old you and amazingly kind and clever Jo!! x the other Jo x

Helen said...

You made one, it looks fantastic (as does the one from Jo) - there'll be no stopping you papercrafting now!!Have a great day. Helen 2

Lunch Lady Jan said...

There'll be no stopping you now!!! Actually, the book you made is really lovely and looks like the work of someone who has been doing it for well done you!
Hugs, LLJ 59 xx

Di said...

Oh my Golly Gosh Annie - that's fabulous. Brilliant way to store your ATCs (inspired by Jo's lovely one) and yup, I'm reeling here. You really do need to do more paper crafting!

Hope you left room for the one from me - still in the making but will be finished upon my return home I promise!

Hugs, Di xx

Jackie said...

What a great way to store you're ATC Cards!!!
It looks great well done
I thought when I came to your blog I would see sewing and was surprised to see paper crafting!!!!!! Keep it up
Jackie 38

Julie Lee said...

This is just fabulous! I'm really, really impressed with what you've done! It looks so pretty and professional too. Julie Ann x #54

JoZart Designs said...

WoW, Wow and Wow again... I'm so thrilled that I inspired you to have a go and that the one you made for yourself is excellent too. Well done to you and keep it going.
See! I TOLD you it was easy, so now you'll believe me!
love Jo x

Anne said...

Oh Annie your book is fabulous. You are so clever. I'd just seen the one Jo made you over on her blog.I'm sorry I didn't visit last week.I did link then went back to start visiting my link had disappeared. Intended then to just visit a few of ones I follow regularly but was so tied up with helping mum I didn't manage it. Anne x #65 (hopefully :-) )

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh how splendid. And how amazing to see you over on the paper side! Lovely stuff Annie, and really the best answer for the ATCs I think.

Laura said...

Lovely work

CraftygasheadZo said...

How kind of Jo. Looks fab. Take care Zo xx 69

Hettie said...

Did you hear the thud as I fell off my chair?!!
Well done you and congratulations on coming to the dark side!! tee Hee!
I really am impressed with your book and Jo's of course.

Sarah said...

Fabulous...a gifted one and your own. Methinks you are a clost paper crafter in between sewing. Well done, looks fabulous. I am probably going to convert back to fabrics for a while so I can faff around all day with out having to wash my hands every two minutes when I'm extracting Ruby from forbidden territory. Enjoy the day, all be it grey.
Sarah at 32 which is pretty respectable indeed!

Gill Edwards said...

thats one cool tag book, well done Jo and well done Annie for making your own.

Gill x #110

Monique said...

Beautiful ATC book, great way to store them.
Happy WOYWW and I wish you a lovely week.
xx Monique #74

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

What a great post. Welcome to the paper world. I chuckled a bit, I started with all this paper stuff, now have been working with fabric. Making fabric journals from mothers items for my sisters and nieces. Cannot show them yet.
I posted your ATC that I received last week. Thanks so much I love the layers. Brother and Mother visiting and with the holiday tomorrow extra busy. Enjoy #45

SueH said...

Well , that was extremely kind of Jo to make the tag book for you, it’s perfect for the ATC’s you received. Loving your effort too, those Delphiniums (think that’s what they are) look beautiful on the front.
Happy Crafting!

mamapez5 said...

Jo is such a lovely lady isn't she?
And a huge Well Done! for making your own book. It is just as lovely as the original and I love the dumfed and beaded flower. I did look at Jo's design and wonder whether I should give it a try but I do have two big folders of pocket pages for my ATCs as I used to swap regularly in UK. But there are so many other things I want to try, and not enough hours in the day. Thank you for featuring my blog post on Friday smiles. Kate x #113

Karen said...

Love Jo's ATC book, all in one place and looking lovely! Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 97 x

ike said...

OMGoodness - that is an awesome work of art. I saw the one the lady sent to you on her Blog. I am going to have to look at the TuT and make one for myself... I was wondering how to store my ATCs !!! LoL

IKE xxx #30

The Taming of the Glue said...

That's brilliant...welcome to our wonderful world of paper! So kind of Jo to make one for you to get you started. Hugs. Pam#27

ria gall said...

Hi Annie
wow Jo was so kind to make the tag book for you but all credit to you for the fantastic one that you have made how wonderful
Happy WOYWW enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #52

lisa said...

Oh how gorgeous, Annie. what a lovely way to display all your beautiful atc's.
Hugs Lisax #72

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow! Well done for making your own flag book and incorporating your dumfing! A lovely way to display your atcs! Chris#119

Spyder said...

It all looks fantastic to me! I will make one, one day...when I can get in my craft room... Have a great week Happy WOYwW!?

((Lyn)) #56

Karen P said...

I saw this over in the playground -it is fabulous! I love the idea of having a 'book' of tags/atc's - thank you so much for sharing hugs Karen

voodoo vixen said...

Well, Annie, there is no hope for you now... you have officially joined us on the 'dark' side!! What a lovely gift of the gorgeous tag book from Jo, she really is the most generous of souls, and now you have one of your own too, and you did a stunning job on it, love that you incorporated you sewing side on the cover!!

sandra de said...

Now that is a fabulous ATC book and I think I have to quickly get around to Jo's blog and see if she has a tutorial. She is such a clever and generous lady.
Sandra de

Cazzy said...

Those are lovely tag books, and such a lot of ATCs.

I don't know why (well I do it was blogger) I thought I was 113, so went and visited all the 3s and told them I was 113. Someone told me I am 136 - so I am whoops, so I am starting over on the 6s, not sure how far I will get!

Cazzy x #136

fairy thoughts said...

OMG such fabulous tag books Jo's and yours too. I really should make one of those I think she has posted the instructions
late getting round because of the tennis
janet #31

roffeycreations said...

Hi Annie - what beautiful tag books - I popped over from the playground cos Di was raving about it - I have a stash of material & threads I hardly look at so that balances us out LOL - Have a great week - Mxx

Roudi said...

Oh my god Annie, this is beautiful! I've been thinking of making a little book for this year's ATCs, too, but I had no idea how to do that!
You and Jo have inspired me to dig in and make my own now!
Just lovely. xx

Roudi (not participating this week. Lots going on here in Egypt)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, apologies for being soooo late popping in, it's all Wimbledon's fault :) Love both the ATC books - I can see you've been hiding your papercrafting talents. The dumfed cover is perfect. Hugs, Elizabeth x #60

Sue from Oregon said...

This very cool-I saw your one on your sissy's blog too! Love those pretty corners on the pages! Happy very belated WOYWW! Sue Kment

john-w said...

Hey, trying something new! Yet combining it with the fabric work you do so well - great!

Hope your munchkin days go well,

John W (Pyro-jack #68)

Monique said...

Love your tag book, it's stunning.
Happy WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.
xx Monique #106

shazsilverwolf said...

Your ATC book is awesome! Never guess its a first, ever. I think I have to have a go at this now. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz xx #51

glitterandglue said...

Wow! I am so impressed by the hard work which has gone into that book. It's lovely. Well done.
Because of the way life has interrupted things recently, I feel like it is ages since I did anything really creative - must remedy that soon!! Going into withdrawal symptoms soon!!
Have a great week.
Margaret #66

Robin said...

What beautiful books! The one Jo gifted you and the one you made (which looks like you have been making for years)! Now I want to throw out the book I made and make one like yours! Great job. Rasz #111

Krisha said...

What a magnificent gift, then you turned around and made one just as beautiful? Great job.
Krisha #5

Jackie said...

What a great a ATC book you can't believe it's your first one! What a lovely way to store all the ATc sees you were sent Jackie 15