Last night we met up with Crafty Linby and her OH and had a really lovely meal at one of our local pubs. I am pleased to report she was not a mad axeman and must say how lovely it was to meet them both IRL. Blogland has a lot to answer for :-) I really do feel I have made many new friends since I started blogging and, as I was asked last night....."when did I start blogging?".

I have just looked back and checked and wahoooooooooooooo I have been blogging a full twelve months. I started on 3rd July so have actually missed my anniversary. What a lot has happened since then.
Twelve months ago.....
I had just 800 customers.....I now have 990!
I had one little Granddaughter of just 8 months.....I now have two and the second is already 3 months old!
I had never heard of WOYWW.......I now read and leave comments on over 100 blogs every week. Thanks Julia
I have met over a dozen bloggers in real life.
Twiglet and I started up our Blog Shop and it now has sales regularly with wonderful support and encouragement from all you wonderful bloggers. Thanks to you all.
........The list goes on and on
I only started blogging to keep a sort of diary for myself really but it really has opened up a whole new world for me and I love it. Thank you to everyone who takes time to read it and leave me such lovely comments. I hope to be here for many a year and who knows what changes there will be ahead of me.

I have just looked back and checked and wahoooooooooooooo I have been blogging a full twelve months. I started on 3rd July so have actually missed my anniversary. What a lot has happened since then.
Twelve months ago.....
I had just 800 customers.....I now have 990!
I had one little Granddaughter of just 8 months.....I now have two and the second is already 3 months old!
I had never heard of WOYWW.......I now read and leave comments on over 100 blogs every week. Thanks Julia
I have met over a dozen bloggers in real life.
Twiglet and I started up our Blog Shop and it now has sales regularly with wonderful support and encouragement from all you wonderful bloggers. Thanks to you all.
........The list goes on and on
I only started blogging to keep a sort of diary for myself really but it really has opened up a whole new world for me and I love it. Thank you to everyone who takes time to read it and leave me such lovely comments. I hope to be here for many a year and who knows what changes there will be ahead of me.
Oh well done Annie on your 1st anniversary!
I bet you think that year flew by dont you!?!
My favourite bit of the week is wednesday too and your blog is one of the top ones for me. I just love seeing a snippet of a busy dressmakers life! Its lovely seeing some of the items that you're working on/worked on and as for all of the beautiful dumpfing??!!
Keryn x
Congratulations on one year Anniversary! It's great to know so many people around the world, to see how they live and work and earn from their experience.
Bloggin is amazing isn't it? I have 'met' so many lovely people through it too and it makes me feel part of a very special community XXX
Happy Anniversary. Long may you continue x
Congrats on your first birthday little blog!!
Happy anniversary - what an amazing year you've had. I've just had a bit of a catch up and it seems you are as busy as ever.
happy anniversary, hope it was a magic year ! love teen xx
Cobngratulations. I think it's fair to say that you can call yourself an achiever!
Congratulations from me too - it constantly amazes me how you manage to post as much as you do as well as sewing and making and endlessly being productive! xx
Congrats on your first anniversary Wow I am quite new to this blogging lark but am hooked Love your work and thanks for the comment on my blog _ lv Liz
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