As you know Twiglet joins me here for a Fun Day Monday so, apart from her helping me to do the cutting when I have curtains to do, we do our best to keep Monday just for fun, laughter and crafting. This Monday was no exception and for those interested the poppy picture I blogged on Monday has now been uploaded in the shop. I don't shut up 'shop' for our fun day so my customers still come delivering more sewing jobs and therefore Tuesday is spent catching up on all my sewing as best I can [and boy did I have some catching up to do this week].
I know this is Wednesday and it's the day organised by 'Julia Queen of Snoop' for us all to show and tell our work spaces but I feel I must tell you all I did yesterday to explain the state of my 'to do' rail today cos I would hate to let any of you think I'm slacking this week :-)
Here goes......I managed to...Shortened 3 pair curtains
Put velcro on the top of another pair curtains
Put leather elbow pads on a jumper
Repaired a torn dress
Take in the waist on a lined skirt
Put new elastic in a skirt
Shortened a pair of trousers
Take in the skirt sides of a dress
Take in the bodice of a boned posh frock

So..... my 'to do' rail today looks like this. It's only got one hanger on it :-)
This is another challenge I've been given. I have to convert a single white sheet and a union jack into a fancy dress outfit for Britannia :-) What fun.
What I'm gonna do is all planned so hopefully won't take me long and then I plan to attack this lot...

...These are my material boxes and I hope I can be allowed some time for crafty creations today. Who wouldn't want to delve into all that lush fabric and create something beautiful with it eh?

Lastly, but by no means least, I wanted to share with you all the lovely signs of spring that I found and snapped at the weekend. Isn't spring just the best time of the year? :-)

Our little violas have opened up their faces and are so bright and cheerful.

I have a bowl of gorgeous miniature daffs now in full bloom. How cute are they?

The flowering cherry tree is already in bud and the flowers are starting to open.

The pussy willows are starting to open up on our little weeping will tree.

Even the tiny red flowers on one of our conifers are all in bloom. They are so pretty close up and yet are easily missed when walking past.