For those of you who showed interest in the latest dumfed picture on my table yesterday I thought I would show you it finished. Memories of the lavender fields in France ....
Hope you like it. I will be uploading it in the shop soon.
Edit.......Sorry but I wont be uploading this picture in the shop....It's sold already :-) :-)
I just may have to make another lavender this space.....

Edit.......Sorry but I wont be uploading this picture in the shop....It's sold already :-) :-)
I just may have to make another lavender this space.....
Consider it sold to the lady from Derbyshire - Its gorgeous. Please could you send me an invoice - my pressie to me for my Birthday.
Paula got there before me, I lived in France for 7 years and it was just the right words you used, we had fields of lavender behind the house, it is gorgeous, lucky Paula.
Christine x
Absolutely stunning. :) Some of my favourite colours. It must be lovely to see the lavender blowing in the wind. :) Lovely knowing it is going to a good home. It will look perfect next to the poppies. :)
Hope you have a lovely weekend.xx
You see - lavender always reminds me of long hot days on holiday in Provence, with the scent of lavender coming in through the camper van windows... Looks like it affects everyone the same way!
Your dumfing creations just get better and better. Every one is a masterpiece. I love the colours in the lavender field. Shame it's sold already :(
Well what a lovely job you made of it! Paula will love it, I am sure. Got dumfer Jnr here tonight so working on a few new ideas!!
Love the slightly 'misty' effect of it! xx
Thank you Wipso - I really can't wait for it to arrive... I'm such a lucky person. I'm going to reorganise my wall so that I can display and show case my special things... If I manage it before next Wednesday, you'll get to see on WOYWW!!!
Paula x x x
Well grabbed Paula, it is a beauty.
Ooo really lovely
twiggy x
way to go!!! that's wonderful and an instant sale...
Well done!
It's beautiful, well done Paula on the quick visit. Can't wait to see it on her wall.
Oh wow, that’s just stunning……..but I really wish you would stop stitching in favourite colours Lol!
Beautiful colors! You do wonderful work!
I've received the lovely pic which now has been mounted on the wall next to the poppies picture and its really fab - if anymore are made - I can highly recommend them.
Paula x x x
OOh - have a blog award for you which will hopefully be a nice surprise when you come back from your special trip. Its the first time i've been able to award you one without you being the one that awarded it to me or received one at the same time!!!
Paula x x x
What a beautiful picture.
Hehehe well done on selling it so quickly. It's gorgeous, I love the way you've done the bits round the lavendar heads, makes them so realistic :)
Anne xx
ooh you sell those?? i would love one for our craft room. i went back and looked at the term for dumfing - FAB!! i love it xxx
Thanks for visiting. WAUW - that is one pretty lavender picture and I should now - my holiday house is called Villa Lavande because it is in Provence and we have lots of lavenders there.
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