This is another WOYWW and Julia will be proud of me this week. The queen of the snoop will no doubt be popping in at some point and will see another side of me....yes I'm doing a few new swings this week. If you would like to join in the fun then pop over to Julia's where we all link up.
This has been another pretty busy week for me and I have been piling up my mess so, as most of you out there think I am always tidy, I think you may need to sit down before going any further.
This is my 'to do' rail with 2 gents suits that need sleeves of the jackets and the trousers shortening. Yep....that's pretty boring for all you snoopers isn't it?

This is my table with a sneaky preview of my latest dumfed picture I am working on. [Do check out the link if you want to know what dumfing is :-)]. This picture was inspired by Paula so I bet she will be zooming in for a better look. The colours of the fabric might give a few clues as to what it will be when it's finished.
Now it is at this stage that those who think I am tidy and organised should take a deep breath and sit down. This is honesty and what you see is just how it is....until I tidy it ;-)
This is the alcove in the old fireplace where my blind hemmer sits on the work surface....yes,

Underneath is no tidier...these are the boxes I keep my fur fabric you know anyone who needs a dog, cow or lamb outfit making because I probably have enough fur fabric to make one :-)
Oh and yes that is a baby box but no I don't have a baby [well I do but he is now 22 and doesn't need his nappy changing any more]. That box is full to the brim with wool fact I nearly have to sit on it to shut it :-)
There you go. See I do have messy spaces. Bet you can all guess what I will do first today....yes I have now shamed myself into tidying up. Hope you all have a fun day. I will catch up with you later.
Hehehe please don't sit on your wool box!!!!!!! Yes folks she really is that untidy!!
Good grief... thank goodness you're human after all!
You have no idea how good this makes me feel. I bet it's all tidy by the time I'm writing this however!
Love the fabric colours on your dumfing table.
Great to have another snoop today Annie!
Ah but you see, everyone has a line in the sand when it comes to tidiness; that point at which you have to tidy up befoere you can do anything else at all. This may be yours, to me it simply looks busy and productive. I love the re-use of the baby box, and am very drawn to the dumfing colours!
Hi Wipso
love the colours on the dumfing, your space isnt too bad, look very creative, all these early birds I havent even taken my photo yet.
Christine x
A very busy looking workspace Wipso and the colours on your dumfing are looking very pretty, can't wait too see the finished item! Have a lovely week. Tracey x
Lovely to see your messy places I think I might sort through my Junk Cupboard today as I'm off work :)
you have a wonderful stash. And turning the old fireplace into a sweing station is a brilliant idea.
p.s. I have a little munchkin (she's nearly 2) who is fond of dressing up.
fab 'messy' space this week :) love the fire arch and how you've made use of it x
Golly I just wanna come and rummage through all the fabric boxes. I too like the way you have used the fire arch, Brill use of space. Hxoxox
Thanks for giving us a glimpse into your space, even if you do find yourself tidying it as a result (glad I'm not the only one who does that after shocking herself at the state of things)
Thank you for sharing your space - messy or otherwise!
I will have to look up dumfing now, thank you for the link.
Clare x
Well, it looks like you've got enough fur fabric to reclothe all the 101 dalmations!!!!
I LOVE that dumfing you are currently working on - I think that might have my name on it and needs to go next to my poppies...
Woop woop - you ARE messy after all. Phew!!!
Scissors - and you made fun at Julia's watches?!?!?!? Although I bet your scissors get more use that her 36(?) watches!!!!
Great to see another view of your room A...
Big hugs
Paula x x x
I had read about your dumfing before but not that particular post that explains where the word came from hehe. I'd be interested to know what you did before you did alterations or have you always done that? Thanks for sharing your mess ;)
Anne xx
Thanks for the info Annie. Hope you didn't mind 35 kids all at once hehehehehe DD's a childminder but it's not a job I could do :-/ How great you re-trained and love what you do.
Anne xx
You look like one busy lady, I'm off to find out what dumfing is !?!? ** Kate **
I know what you mean about scissors I made the mistake of putting my fabric ones in the wrong place and now they are very blunt.
Hugs Pam
Hi Darling Lucky you only having 2 things on your to do rail you are so organized , unlike me I have about ten things started and not finished !! lol
Happy stitching
Hugs Susie xx
YES a mess at last , lol
Lovely to see it like this.. about time too!
I am really looking forward to see what creation you come up with those wonderful colours on your desk..
I love the relationship you're lucky to share with Twiglet, I wish I was that close to my own sister, but we're at completely different ends of the spectrum. OMG look at that mess, my illusions have been shattered!
You new project looks interesting Annie and your work space may look like a mess to the untrained eye but I bet you know exactly where everything is hiding.
I think the stamp on my blog embodies the spirit of you even if you think it couldn't compare to your physical being! Love all that material takes me back to when I used to sew - now I just collect stamps about it LOL!
Thanks for sharing your messy corners, makes me feel slightly better! x
I dont think it looks that messy :)
You are such a good swinger ... How much practice have you had :0)
So glad to see your creative chaos!! Not the only one who works in this fashion, though I would love to be tidier!! Interesting things going on your desk though!! Juliex
Hi Annie Thank You for a fabulous treat this week. :) Is there lavender in the air! hehe..xx
I've a 9 yr old who collects all things dalmation & he's saving for a real one! Can't wait to show him your boxes in the morning. :)
btw I can't see any mess either. :)
It's not that messy I still see desk love all your sewing machines
hugs Nikki
Yay that mess is a sight to behold. So pleased to see it, going to stop my half hearted tidying and go back to the sofa with cuppa and tissues in hand, happy in the knowledge that I'm not alone.
Fantastic photos, it's such fun to see all the workspaces - I don't think I'll ever get sick of "snooping" "Julia, the Queen of Snoop" Got to love that tag!
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