Wednesday 19 June 2024


 I'm keeping very busy here at Sewing by Annie's and that keeps me smiling.

Several asked to see the finished it is all folded flat to stop it creasing....all 130 flags :-)

I saw this lovely frog on's a Makerist pattern designed by Angela Jardine and I just had to buy the pattern.
It was a bit tricky in parts to make up even though it was marked as suitable for beginers [and I don't think I'm one of those :-) ] but I really love the finished result and he's going to be a draw prize for the Harry Johnson Trust.

The charity has it's usual stand at two local, up and coming, shows so I'm making a few items to go on their stand.
These are little note books that I've added covers on the front of....they are hand embellished and then a few beads and embroidery has been added....I'm hoping they sell well.

That's all from me this week.  I hope to share more with you next week.
Annie x


Helen said...

what a pile of bunting!! Love the frog too. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Twiglet said...

Froggy is so gorgeous. I hope he raises loads of funds for the charity. I found my burning and will finish it off and pass it on to you. 😃x x Jo

Lisa-Jane said...

I'm sure those notebooks will go like hot cakes as they are ideal little gifts. The frog is great and I love the pretty green fabric you've used. I hope you'll feed back the difficulties as someone ahem... slightly less experienced might give up and be put off for life! Here's hoping for a a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #6

Diana Taylor said...

The little notebooks are fabulous and so pretty - I love your covers and I'm sure they will fly off the shelf. What a handsome little frog too, he's perfect in that gorgeous fabric. What a lot of bunting, I bet it will look spectacular when it's hung up - you must have been seeing triangles in your sleep!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #15

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lovely work for the charity stalls etc - that green fabric is just perfect for the froggy, he’s a worthy prize! The little covers will be perfect for the notebooks, hope it all sells well!
Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Busy as ever, love the bunting. I can imagine the frog being fiddly with those narrow arms, legs and the eyes. It is not something I would expect a beginner to make successfully. The note books are looking good too. Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs Angela x14x

Lindart said...

The bunting looks beautiful, I bet it will look awesome when it's put up! (pic please!) That frog is adorable! And the little booklets are very sweet! Have a great week, Lindart #19

Crafting With Jack said...

Well done on all that bunting. You frog is gorgeous, will you be making memory frogs? Lovely notebooks, I am sure they will go well. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Lynnecrafts said...

Great bunting and your frog is stunning, Annie. I’m sure your pretty notebooks will sell well. Good luck!
Lynnecrafts 13 xx

Robyn said...

those notebooks are darling. it would be hard for me to pass them by at a charity stall! I can imagine those fiddly bits of toes and limb joining would be a challenge for a beginner frog creator! Robyn 17

Susan Renshaw said...

Fabulous bunting and love the frog!
Those felted fronts on the notebooks are super!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #5