Friday 28 June 2024

This week's smiles....week 380

 Phew it's hot hot hot.  My fans have been working overtime this week and so have I but I'm still smiling.

On Sunday Lexi had another day of dance competitions, this time at Stafford University.  She entered into 5 different dances and came away with 4 medals....we are so proud of her.  She is loving life. :-)

Our strawberries are ripening fast and furious at the mo....this is the 3/4 time we have filled the colander and there's still more to ripen yet.  These have all come from about 10 strawberry plants and have been the best they have ever been.

The only other things I have to share with you are a few funnies ...I hope you find something to make you smile.
Please leave me a little comment and, if you can, then share your own smiles by linking up below.
Annie x

Wednesday 26 June 2024


 Phew it's hot this week....well it certainly is when you're busy sewing all day [the fan has been working overtime too this week].  I've had lots of customer's sewing to do including shortening several pairs of trousers, shortening the sleeves on a jacket and shortening a top but in between my jobs I have also found time for more sewing for the charity I support and that's what I have to share with you today...

I enjoyed making 5 little beach hut key rings.

I made 14 glasses cases...I love dipping into my stash of fabric and chosing fabrics to make each one slightly different.

I made 3 bags of varying sizes/designs.  The 2 larger ones would make lovely bags to use on the beach.

I then made 8 zipped pencil cases /bags ....I have a bag full of colourful zips so it was lovely to match fabrics to each.

That's all from me for this week.  I have 2 School Memory Bears to make today so I will have another busy day :-)
If you leave me a little message so I know you've called in I will do my best to pop over to yours to pay you a visit when I'm able.
Annie x

Friday 21 June 2024

This week's smiles.....week 379

 I've kept myself busy this week with more sewing for the Harry Johnson Charity [ I hope to have more to share with you on Wednesday] when I've not been sewing for my customers and yesterday was a Nanny Annie day...

We had fun in the garden....everything from watching the little bees on the flowers to pinching strawberries ....there are so many ripening at the mo and Louie really loves fruit of all sorts especially strawberries.

So many special memories were made.

The garden is blooming in every corner and it never fails to make me smile.

Of course I had to find a few funnies to  make you smile....I hope at least some of them make you smile and you will leave me a little message before sharing your own smiles below.
Annie x

Wednesday 19 June 2024


 I'm keeping very busy here at Sewing by Annie's and that keeps me smiling.

Several asked to see the finished it is all folded flat to stop it creasing....all 130 flags :-)

I saw this lovely frog on's a Makerist pattern designed by Angela Jardine and I just had to buy the pattern.
It was a bit tricky in parts to make up even though it was marked as suitable for beginers [and I don't think I'm one of those :-) ] but I really love the finished result and he's going to be a draw prize for the Harry Johnson Trust.

The charity has it's usual stand at two local, up and coming, shows so I'm making a few items to go on their stand.
These are little note books that I've added covers on the front of....they are hand embellished and then a few beads and embroidery has been added....I'm hoping they sell well.

That's all from me this week.  I hope to share more with you next week.
Annie x

Friday 14 June 2024

This week's smiles.....week 378

 It's been another lovely week here at Sewing by Annie's....lots of sewing has kept me smiling plus lots of proud Nanny moments too.

We had a lovely day yesterday with the boys and after school they built a tall tower together to pose for me to take a photo and after we tidied away the toys we had special Nanny times reading poems.....

Theo really loves his poems and can recite all of The Owl and the Pussy Cat so it was a very special time for me with both boys on my knee.

Lexi had another dance competition weekend and did very well.....she really loves her dancing.

She also entered in the Spring Leap online competition and won  

  • 1st for her Lyrical solo
  • 2nd for her Jazz solo
  • 2nd for her Commercial solo
  • 1st for her Bloopers dance photo
  • 1st for her Upside down dance photo
  • 3rd for her Character dance photo
  • 3rd for her Lyrical dance photo
Didn't she do well?  We are so very proud of her.

Sam is also giving us reasons to be proud....he's been cast as ' The Big Bad Wolf' in the school production of Shrek Jr.  He loves all things musical theatre and we are all looking forward to seeing him in his pink nightie when he dresses up as Grandma.  :-)

Of course I had to find a few funnies to share with you....I hope something makes you smile.  Please leave me a little message and link up to your own smiles below.

Annie x

Wednesday 12 June 2024


 What a week that was!!!  I not only cleared all the sewing I shared with you last week but I cleared all that was waiting on my to do rail and had another prom dress to shorten [this time there was 6 layers and one of them was 14 metres long!!] and I had to take it up on a shoulders [and they were heavily beaded so a tricky job!!].   I have also had a bridesmaid's dress that I had to shorten and take in and a pair of trousers that I had to here is never boring :-)


I also made this little school Memory bear....this is the second one I've made for the end of this school year.  I do expect more orders before the end of term and they will probably arrive at once lol.

In between my sewing jobs I am making lots of bunting flags for the 10th year celebrations for the Harry Johnson Trust.  It's 10years since little Harry died and there will be several celebrations including one in a very large marquee that they want bunting for.....lots of it.  I have already cut out and made over 100 flags so will see how much bunting that makes. :-)

Thanks for calling by.  If you leave me a little message so I know you've called in I will do my best to pop over to yours to see what you've been up to.


Annie x

Friday 7 June 2024

This week's smiles.....week 377

It's Friday so I'm here to share the smiles of the week..We went on a little adventure last Friday to spend a few days away on a campsite near Abergele in North Wales and I have a few photos to share with you....

We always have a chip shop tea one of the nights we are away if we can and we managed to find a Fish bar in Abergele....we had fish and chips and it was lovely.

Milly enjoyed a run on the beach at Colyn Bay.....she loves to chase her ball and wasn't bothered by all the seagulls.

We had a look at the Life Boat station at Llandudno but sadly it was closed.

We enjoyed a lovely walk at Llanfairfechan and enjoyed a coffee at the cafe there....even the toilet seat in the Lady's loo was rather decorative :-)

We enjoyed lunch sitting outside a cafe looking onto Caernarfon's a lovely castle and as you can see there wasn't a cloud in the sky.....we were very lucky with the weather all weekend.

Mark, Gina and the boys had a week down near Woolacombe Bay  and they sent us these lovely pics.

I think Louie looks a natural with the football :-)

I love the photo of my son, Mark [my baby] with his babies.

Of course it wouldn't be Friday without a few funnies and I hope I have found something to make you smile.

Now please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and, if you can, link up at the bottom of the page.


Annie x

Wednesday 5 June 2024


 It's been a busy week of posh frocks this week for me here at Sewing by Annie's .....

These are the 4 pretty cornflower blue bridesmaids dresses that I have altered [now all finished]....
  • they all needed shortening [3 layers each!]
  • One needed the bodice taking in to make it fit.
  • one needed the strap stitching in place
  • one needed the 3 buttons sewing on
  • one needed the bodice lifting at the back

This black prom dress needed 2 layers shortening [now done]....including the tricky frill shortening to fit on the front.

This is a really pretty pale blue prom dress that I have to shorten today....all 5 layers!!.  I also have to take it up on the shoulders.

My rail is also full with other sewing jobs and I have another prom dress coming this afternoon and a pair of jeans to alter....I think it's going to be a busy day ;-)

If you leave me a message so I know you've called in here I will do my best to call by at yours to see what you've been up to this week as soon as I get a chance.

Annie x