Friday 7 June 2024

This week's smiles.....week 377

It's Friday so I'm here to share the smiles of the week..We went on a little adventure last Friday to spend a few days away on a campsite near Abergele in North Wales and I have a few photos to share with you....

We always have a chip shop tea one of the nights we are away if we can and we managed to find a Fish bar in Abergele....we had fish and chips and it was lovely.

Milly enjoyed a run on the beach at Colyn Bay.....she loves to chase her ball and wasn't bothered by all the seagulls.

We had a look at the Life Boat station at Llandudno but sadly it was closed.

We enjoyed a lovely walk at Llanfairfechan and enjoyed a coffee at the cafe there....even the toilet seat in the Lady's loo was rather decorative :-)

We enjoyed lunch sitting outside a cafe looking onto Caernarfon's a lovely castle and as you can see there wasn't a cloud in the sky.....we were very lucky with the weather all weekend.

Mark, Gina and the boys had a week down near Woolacombe Bay  and they sent us these lovely pics.

I think Louie looks a natural with the football :-)

I love the photo of my son, Mark [my baby] with his babies.

Of course it wouldn't be Friday without a few funnies and I hope I have found something to make you smile.

Now please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and, if you can, link up at the bottom of the page.


Annie x


  1. I was late getting this posted, so no funnies for me today. Only people like you and me (and Angela) would take photos of a loo. I swear Mark's children are SO mature for their ages. Louie is now looking older than his age.

    Loved the funnies. They were all great this week. Have a great rest of Friday and a wonderful next week, dear Annie.

  2. Such lovely weather! Caenarfen is a beautiful place. I have been there when I was young (with my parents). I am slightly envious of you having fish and chips. It is always a treat to have a good fish and chips meal.
    Yes, a gorgeous photo of Mark and the boys.
    I had a right old giggle with your funnies. The kangaroo made my day.
    Have a lovely weeekend,

  3. How lovely to have such nice weather for your Welsh adventure. It all looks very interesting.
    Your little fellows are having a grand time too. Kate x

  4. Hi Annie, I'm a bit late but here now. Your funnies definitely made me smile. I can see you've had a good week with lots to smile about. That'a a lovely toilet seat! I'm sure I don't know what Elizabeth is referring to Lol! Hee! Hee! Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

  5. Charming! Lovely Millie shares in the fun of course. Wish I could go see, the Welsh language seems so hard

  6. Lovely visiting with you all. Aloha

  7. great photos from your time away!


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