Friday 28 June 2024

This week's smiles....week 380

 Phew it's hot hot hot.  My fans have been working overtime this week and so have I but I'm still smiling.

On Sunday Lexi had another day of dance competitions, this time at Stafford University.  She entered into 5 different dances and came away with 4 medals....we are so proud of her.  She is loving life. :-)

Our strawberries are ripening fast and furious at the mo....this is the 3/4 time we have filled the colander and there's still more to ripen yet.  These have all come from about 10 strawberry plants and have been the best they have ever been.

The only other things I have to share with you are a few funnies ...I hope you find something to make you smile.
Please leave me a little comment and, if you can, then share your own smiles by linking up below.
Annie x


  1. Congratulations to Lexi. What a great achievement. Wow. That's the only way I like strawberries. These look luscious.

    Loved the funnies. I hang my head in shame. I actually saw two dancers and didn't put it together until I read to use my imagination.

    Have a super Friday and awesome weekend, dear Annie.

  2. Lexie is so talented! congratulations again on all her medals.
    I’m glad the weather’s turned for you. I know it’s hot but it might be the only bit of summer you’ll get. But with global warming, who knows…
    I loved the funnies. Especially the one about the dancing couple, which I didn’t see until it was pointed out.
    Those strawberries look delicious. Enjoy eating them.
    Have lovely weekend,

  3. BIG congrats for Lexi!
    My strawberries were stolen by animals (tiny wood-strawberries). But Ingo bought some like yours and we had a yummy time :-)
    LOL, Cats (and dogs)
    Have a happy Friday, dear Annie!

  4. The strawbs put a smile on our faces too! Yummy. x x Jo

  5. I would love some of those strawberries. The ones out here are nice but not as flavourful as in UK, and our season has ended.
    Congratulations to Lexi. She is enjoying a good life.
    If you visit anyone else please apologise for me not visiting. Workmen have cut the cable and we have no Internet! Kate x

  6. Hi Annie, I am here just got distracted this morning. Lexi is doing so well and it's good for her to have a hobby she loves. The strawberries look good, I'm wishing I hadn't dug ours out now. Love the dog texting. Have a good weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

  7. oh! your strawberries are so red and ripe! So lush! What will you do with them? They can be frozen
    and you grew them? I can't imagine such a harvest

  8. Congratulations! And thank you for another very pleasant post. Aloha!


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