Friday 14 June 2024

This week's smiles.....week 378

 It's been another lovely week here at Sewing by Annie's....lots of sewing has kept me smiling plus lots of proud Nanny moments too.

We had a lovely day yesterday with the boys and after school they built a tall tower together to pose for me to take a photo and after we tidied away the toys we had special Nanny times reading poems.....

Theo really loves his poems and can recite all of The Owl and the Pussy Cat so it was a very special time for me with both boys on my knee.

Lexi had another dance competition weekend and did very well.....she really loves her dancing.

She also entered in the Spring Leap online competition and won  

  • 1st for her Lyrical solo
  • 2nd for her Jazz solo
  • 2nd for her Commercial solo
  • 1st for her Bloopers dance photo
  • 1st for her Upside down dance photo
  • 3rd for her Character dance photo
  • 3rd for her Lyrical dance photo
Didn't she do well?  We are so very proud of her.

Sam is also giving us reasons to be proud....he's been cast as ' The Big Bad Wolf' in the school production of Shrek Jr.  He loves all things musical theatre and we are all looking forward to seeing him in his pink nightie when he dresses up as Grandma.  :-)

Of course I had to find a few funnies to share with you....I hope something makes you smile.  Please leave me a little message and link up to your own smiles below.

Annie x


  1. great photos of the family activities! happy Friday.

  2. Goodness. All your grandchildren are so very talented. Special congrats to Lexi and a great honor for Sam. Proud nanny indeed.

    LOVED the flea funny! Have a super rest of Friday and a great weekend, Annie. And no working on the weekend (grin).

  3. You sure have reasons to be proud - it must be wonderful!!!
    I hope to see your Sam in the pink nightie - this - if I had (grand-)children sure would make me proud!
    Ingo always takes off with my pink backpack where my teamleader said - what, pink?! Yes, real men can do that :-)
    Have a happy Friday!

  4. Lovely photos. All growing up so quickly. Tell Theo I can sing The Owl And The Pussycat.🤣x x Jo

  5. Your grandchildren are giving you so much joy. They are so talented. Theo reciting The Owl and the Pussycat? That's quite a long poem. My husband once did that after I enquired about a 'runstaple spoon'.
    They are all very talented, your grand children.
    I love the funnies. Flees indeed...
    Have a lovely weekend,

  6. Lots of busy family photos today Annie. Well done to Lexi. She is very talented. And I am with Sam on the musical theatre. It will be great fun to watch him, and a proud granny moment indeed.
    I can still recite the Owl and the Pussycat. It has a great rythym to it. It is quite unusual for a little boy like Theo to enjoy poems, but t isa great help when they are learning to read.
    Have another lovely week. Kate x

  7. Pleased to see you've had a good week, you have such a lovely family. the funnies made me smile too which I am in need of this week, Hope your weekend is just as good. Sending hugs Angela xXx

  8. taking up the bed, we knew it was time to get up when our lab pushed us off the bed

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Thank you for sharing this sweet family post with us and for hosting. Aloha from Honolulu


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