Wednesday 26 June 2024


 Phew it's hot this week....well it certainly is when you're busy sewing all day [the fan has been working overtime too this week].  I've had lots of customer's sewing to do including shortening several pairs of trousers, shortening the sleeves on a jacket and shortening a top but in between my jobs I have also found time for more sewing for the charity I support and that's what I have to share with you today...

I enjoyed making 5 little beach hut key rings.

I made 14 glasses cases...I love dipping into my stash of fabric and chosing fabrics to make each one slightly different.

I made 3 bags of varying sizes/designs.  The 2 larger ones would make lovely bags to use on the beach.

I then made 8 zipped pencil cases /bags ....I have a bag full of colourful zips so it was lovely to match fabrics to each.

That's all from me for this week.  I have 2 School Memory Bears to make today so I will have another busy day :-)
If you leave me a little message so I know you've called in I will do my best to pop over to yours to pay you a visit when I'm able.
Annie x


  1. it's too hot for me, glad that it will start to cool again after today. love the keyrings, they look fab!! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. Love all your work there Annie - I am sure it will help raise loads of money. Thanks again for the fabulous memory cushions. Hope it's a little cooler soon. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

  3. Your makes look even better in real life and those beach bags are s great idea. Looking forward to seeing your next designs and to showing you all of my makes 🤣🤣xx Jo

  4. Live your makes, lovely to use up all those fabrics so brilliantly, they’ll sell well for sure. Hope you’re coping with the heat ok, I’m not enjoying it tbh.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  5. That's quite a haul of items there! Well done you - I'm sure the charity will be very grateful for your lovely wares. Have a fun week Lisa-Jane #11

  6. Super sewing makes, love the purple case on the right - perfect. Hugs BJ#7

  7. It’s too hot for me! Those beach hut key rings are cute.Another busy week for you despite the heat! Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  8. I'm surprised you've managed to keep going, it's been so uncomfortable to do anything really so well done you. I don't like this heat. Loving all your projects especially the your key rings. Have a great woyww. Hugs Angela x9x

  9. What a lot of sewing you have done this week. Love the charity things you made - I am sure they will sell in no time.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  10. You are always so busy! Love the beach hut key rings. They would be so appropriate here!
    Happy WOYWW! Susan #4


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