Wednesday, 18 March 2020


What's on my desk thise week?....certainly more than is on the supermarket shelves!!  The world has gone mad.  Why do folk need to snatch and grab at everything in the supermarkets when there really isn't a shortage?.....rant over.

I am being sensible but carrying on with life as best as we can....I do have hand gel at my door for any customers [it was one we kept in the motor home because there isn't any in the shops now and today I was actually told they wouldn't be having any more in stock as it all had to go to the hospitals] but I am not sat here sewing in full surgical gown, gloves and mask.....yet!

I have made 3 new Memory bears this week and have 3 nurses dresses to shorten the hems on so I'm being kept busy so far....and in between times I'm sewing for fun.

These are the 3 bears made in memory of a special Mum and Grandma.  There is a 'mum related' special offer on over on my Facebook Page at the mo to have free labels made [please check out my page for details if you're interested] and these are the details she asked to have put on her labels.

In between jobs I've been making little bags to go with the Luna Lapin rabbits.  The one using the pattern in the book was too small for what I wanted so I've enlarged it and this is the first little zany bag I've made....others are cut out but as yet not stitched.

That's all from me for today.  I hope you can all stay safe during these difficult times.  Sending you all much love and lots of long distance hugs.
Annie x


1. Neet said...

Despite the fact I cannot get hand sanitizer i am glad they are keeping hospitals supplied - I read somewhere that people have taken the sanitizers from hospitals - that is the lowest of the low!
Hope you got the nurses uniforms ready, they will be needing them now more than ever.
Love your little Luna Bag, will be nice to see them all lined up - and I bet it's not long before we do.
Take care my lovely
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

2. Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. Glad you are able to keep on sewing professionally and for pleasure. Many of my crafty friends rely on doing workshops/demonstrations etc for a lot of their income, so many will be struggling as everything is being cancelled/postponed. Here on the farm the cows need milking twice per day whatever, and the local cheese factory needs that milk, so our life continues as normal, except for meetings etc are cancelled. Ali x #9

3. sandra de said...

Haven't seen hand sanitiser for over 2 weeks but, did come across some rubbing alcohol and thought that will do the trick. always lovely to see the amazing things you create, stay safe and keep crafting.
Sandra de @4

4. Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Morning Annie, good to see you still being kept busy, those memory bears look very cuddly, love the fabric on the spotty bag, nice little accessories for your luna lapin rabbits. Must go follow you on Pinterest, tis all so lovely.
Sending woyww hugs your way, take care & stay safe Tracey xx #10

5. lisa said...

Morning Annie

Glad you are keeping well and busy. It can't be easy being self employed at the moment.
My hubby is an industrial chemist and their problem is face masks. They have to use them for the chemicals they use and once they've run out they can't get anymore as they are all going to the NHS, as they should, so they will have to close.
Difficult times for us all as I will not be working either once the schools shut.
Take care of yourself
Hugs Lisax #18

6. Twiglet said...

Ha - no hand sanitizer here either! I have a bottle of gin handy so I will at least have sterile hands but may be forced to swig a tot or two!! Take care. Keep safe. xx Jo

7. Lunch Lady Jan said...

Whilst I agree about the selfishness and madness of some, I also think that there is some magnificent community work going on with regards to helping the elderly and vulnerable. It must be so tricky for you regarding customers though. Stay safe and keep healthy.
The little bag is teeny weeny, perfect for the rabbits!
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

8. shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Annie, good to hear you are safe & well. Love the memory bears, what a lovely fabric. Very cute little bag for the Lapins! Stay safe, and have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

9. glitterandglue said...

Hi Annie. Great to see you so busy still - but then, I really can't imagine you not having your hands full with jobs!!
Take care. Tread safely. God bless.
Margaret #5

10. Helen said...

Glad you are staying safe . My hands have never been so clean! Love the bag Helen 3

11. Marit said...

Oh dear.. these are strange times and all we can do is sit, craft and wait... we're not homebound completely in Holland (we are still alowed to go outside) but social isolation, yes. And the place I work closed its doors (as do the schools, pubs, restaurants and most shops) and since I cannot do my work at home, I am unemployed now. It feels strange to have no job all of a sudden... I'm glad I have my online friends! Take care, stay healthy! Big virtual hug from the Netherlands! Marit #21

12. Catriona said...

Lovely sewing and they are such a beautiful memory of a loved one.
I have stash aplenty to be keeping me busy and if the weather improves we will tidy up the garden. X

13. Sarah Brennan said...

It is so good to have these weekly virtual get togethers isn't it Annie. I have 90% alcohol and Aloe Vera at home so will make my own hand sanitiser if it comes down to it. Love the cute bag for Luna. Happy WOYWW. Stay safe. Sarah #2

14. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

The teddies are lovely. Good job we've all got plenty to do at home, it must be awful if you don't know what to do with your time. Take care and wishing you a happy creative WOYWW, Angela x12x

15. Caro said...

Gorgeous memory bears and I adore the little bag! Stay safe. Happy WOYWW. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#14)

16. Little Dorrit does... said...

Hi Annie.

I love seeing all the little clothes and accessories your Luna Lapin rabbits are getting - they are just wonderful - and the memory bears are (as always) fab too.
I'm hoping some of the craziness is going to subside once people accept that things will need to be this way for some time. It's a marathon, not a sprint!
Have a good week and stay sensible and well!
Amelia #32

17. Julia Dunnit said...

I’m doing the same, being sensible and otherwise pretty much carrying on as normal. My social life has been fettered for sure, but he internet and Face Time are working overtime! Meanwhile, how much more fiddly stuff can you make?! Honestly, the bag is delicious, what fun those rabbits are giving you. Keep well both. Xx

18. Heather M said...

Hi Annie, I saw a post on Facebook I think about looking through holiday cases as people often have hand sanitizer in their toiletry bags, and holiday handbags - and I found 3, so I'm covered for now! You did make me giggle - not in surgical gown, etc yet - I'm glad you've still got your sense of humour! Stay safe, keep sewing and have a lovely week, Heather xx #13

19. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh Annie, loved your smiles post up above but running soooo late!
And that zany bag for your rabbits is sooo cute, well done on those three bears too, great to remember someone that way. I’d have like that for my dad but not able to even think of it (step mum not helpful), so have happy memories instead, vey blessed to have dad so long, it’s his 91st birthday so he’s on my heart.
Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these troubled times, may we look up in faith! Praying you’re all kept well too, dear Annie, glad you have hand gel. I gave some to my sister too as had two half used pumps.
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊#16

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

20. Elizabeth said...

Hi Annie, I know I didn't post a Friday Smile this week - wasn't feeling very smiley - but just had to comment on your beautiful new header. The hyacinths are simply gorgeous and guaranteed to lift our spirits. Have a lovely Mother's Day. Hugs, Ellie xx