Wednesday, 21 November 2018


Sitting for any length of time is still causing me problems so sewing and computer time is having to be done in short spells but I've had another acupuncture session on Monday night and I am feeling it's helping so I've got everything crossed.

I was really chuffed that I managed to make the four  Memory bears you saw cut out on my desk last week.....

...aren't they fab?  The stories that my customers tell me about bears I've made for them really fill my heart with joy because they mean so much to who they are made for....I'm really blessed.

I have at least two more coming today to be made too :-)

As a special request I made a back pack for one of the little bears and when I put the pic on my Facebook page I had a lot of really lovely feedback about it.

It's been suggested that it could hold special items ....a little bear to keep treasures safe....sounds good to me.  I've made the pattern now so if any of my customers like the idea I can make more.  :-)

The only other thing on my desk this week is the ever growing pile of finished Christmas cards....up to 44 now but I still have more to make!

Thanks for calling by.  My Ipad has decided it doesn't like leaving comments on many of the blogs so comments will have to wait now til I am able to sit at the lap top....please be patient with me.
Annie x


1. Lynn Holland said...

Hi Annie
Recovering backaholic here too. I’m waiting on results of a 50 minute MRI scan I had last week. I’ve had acupuncture and found it very helpful. Keep up the good work with your exercises and give Millie a kiss from me.
The bears are lovely and you’ve given me an idea for a present for a friend who lost her partner last year
Love lynn xxx 13

2. Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Oh Annie you have put me right to shame with your 44 finished CC's they look so neat in those piles. Those Bear's are fab and I love the little backpack, perfect for keeping those little treasures safe a wonderful edition to something I did not think could possibly get even more wonderful.
Hope your acupuncture kicks that sciatica's butt, it's a horrible pain to have to contend with.
Healing hugs & happy woyww Tracey #6

3. Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh I was hoping your were 100%...but I had over 2 wks good/bad days, I do think the Youtube sciatica exercised helped me tremendously and only 2/5 minutes a few times a day saved me. Congrats on the stack of Christmas cards, don't think that will happen here, I'll be good to get the annual letter done. love the idea of the back pack on the little bears. Just such a great thing. Best wishes on getting back to normal enjoy a great weekend.

4. Lunch Lady Jan said...

I'm glad you're a little better this week but ope that the acupuncture et al continue to make you improve. The little bears are lovely and well done on the C cards! I've bought most of mine but might handmake a couple. Weird about your ipad and the comments, I have no problems with mine.
Hugs LLJ 7 xxxx

5. Claire said...

Oooh, a bear with a backpack! Just adorable!
Happy WOYWW:)
Claire, no. 2

6. Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Annie, before I forget, with blogger comments on iPad, I find leaving them on Chrome works best, so maybe install it? Chrome is owned by Google and so is blogger. I find I can even leave google+ on Chrome, even though I’m not on Google +
Wonderful memory bears esp the back pack, pray your back improves muchly,
Hugs Shaz #20

7. Neet said...

Oh Annie, what a shame your back pain is still with you - keep up the acupuncture, I swear by it and will have to re-commence mine soon.
More lovely bears and what a great idea the backpack is.
Hugs, & Healing thoughts, Neet 4 xx

8. shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Annie, good to hear you feel the acupuncture is helping. It must be driving you quite mad. Love the bear, and Doug was really smitten with the backpack, his first thought was how it could hold special keepsakes. I'm sure your customers will love the idea too. I know I've said it before, but your bears are so special, because of all the love you put into making them. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

9. Diana Taylor said...

Your bears are so lovely and I do love the backpack idea - perfect for little mementos. Sorry to hear you've been suffering, I'm glad the acupuncture is helping.
Have a good week,
Diana x #18

10. Julia Dunnit said...

Aw Annie, am so sorry that you’re still suffering so much. Ironically, mine is ok sitting, gives me a bit of trouble after I’ve been on my feet for a while. It’s such a simple and shocking awful thing. Lovely Bears, it must feel as if you’re involved with so many families now, I thought that the eldest grandchildren would be a bit nonplussed by having a bear, but not at all...if anything Inthink they were more deeply touched than the youngers. Brilliant you.

11. Christine said...

I am NOT looking at the pile of completed cards!! I AM looking at that gorgeous backpack.... you are amazing the way you come up with all these ideas.
Have a good week
Christine #23

12. Sarah Brennan said...

Glad to hear the acupuncture is bringing a little relief Annie. Love the back pack, I'm sure you will have plenty more requests for the new memory bear accessory. Hope you are more comfortable sitting soon. Sarah #3

13. Helen said...

So sorry you are still suffering so much and of course we don't mind copy and paste comments in the circumstances! I love the bears and the back pack is so CUTE!! Have a great week, pain free soon I really hope. Helen #1

14. Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Annie, pleased you're feeling a bit better. I've been to the physio this week and have exercises to do. I have to say he certainly found the part that is causing the problem and I'm back in two weeks so fingers crossed. Loving the bears and the cards look interesting but we need to see more! I am going to have to put a note on my blog next week about the leaves as everyone keeps asking about them and I am not actually quit sure how they are going to be used as they are part of a larger project. Happy woyww, Angela x19x

15. Heather M said...

Hi Annie, I really hope the acupuncture does work for you, fingers crossed. The back pack on your memory bear is cute, and would definitely be nice to hold special memory items. Have a lovely week Heather x #9

16. Lindart said...

I love the backpack bear! So cute! I'm sure you will get lots of requests for it! 44 cards - and you need more? Wowza, that's a lot! I'm glad I don't need to make that many! We are having a rotating Postal Strike here, not sure if we can even mail cards this year, but hopefully the federal government will make them go back to work for December, anyway. Have a great week, Lindart #24