Friday, 12 December 2014

This week's smiles....week 97

It was another fab week of sharing smiles again last week.  It's so lovely to see what's making you all smile each week and I thank you so much for taking the time out to join in.  This week I'm featuring Sam's pic of 5 birds.  I love watching my birds so this really touched a spot with me and really made me chuckle.  Thanks Sam.

My smiles this week just keep on coming.  As always they have been focused on my gorgeous grandees.  I'm so very blessed.

Little Steve is being a cowboy as you can see....he just loves Woody out of Toy Story.  I don't think I've ever known a little boy to smile as much as he does and it's just contagious.  :-)

Steve's big sisters just melted our hearts last night when we went to their school to see their performance of 'Whoops a daisy angel'.  Phoebe was one of the little angels and she led the singing with her beautiful voice.  Little Lulu was one of the snowflakes....she's one of the smallest in the school but more than makes up for it with her confidence.  The whole performance was just magical and there was more than one moment when the tissues were needed. :-)'s what Christmas is all about.

Little Lexi was busy amusing herself drawing and presented her mummy with her drawing of Santa so I just had to share it with you.

Sam has hand, foot and mouth virus so is feeling a little under the weather.....Get better soon my little munchkin.  The twins share everything so I'm guessing he will be sharing this with Lexi soon.

That's my smiles for this week.  Hope you've enjoyed them and will share yours by linking them below.  I promise I will pop over to enjoy yours too :-)


1. Helen said...

As always, your pictures do make me smile, though I hope Sam is better soon.

2. Twiglet said...

Totally gorgeous photos. x

3. Hettie said...

A big awwwwww this week!

4. Laura said...

They are so cute! :)
I bet they are getting excited about Christmas Day?

5. Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Fun photos...the little angels brought back some long ago memories ! But no singing thoughts... You Annie are so fortunate to be so close to these children. I dream of this one day soon.

6. Robyn Oliver said...

Happy Friday Annie, aren't those GKids just a treat all dressed up - they love it don't they, and that's a great drawing of santa by Lexi, hope the young man is well soon. Cheers and enjoy them the grow up so quick Robyn

7. mamapez5 said...

I am sorry little Sam is poorly. I hope if Lexi gets it, it is soon, so that she is quite better to enjoy Christmas.
I loved watching my boys in their Christmas plays. Whoopsa-daisy angel is such fun. I did the ones from that set designed for the youngest children, with my nursery. Humph the camel was our favourite. The children used to love the funny songs in it. Lots to smile about Annie. Aren´t we blessed?! Kate x

8. Elizabeth said...

Aww! Poor Sam - I hope he gets better soon and that, just for once, he doesn't share the virus with Lexi. Love the photos of your lovely grandchildren and Lexi's picture of Santa is fabulous :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

9. JoZart Designs said...

Aaawwwh! and again aaaaaawwwwh! They are such sweeties. Love Lexi's drawing and I hope she doesn't get Sam's lergy.
jo x

10. Christals Creations said...

We have a school production this week. :) He is a Brenstan boy in The Christmas Jigsaw. Your smiles this week are adorable. :)