Happy Friday to all you wonderful callers that pop by each week. A big thank you to all of you who also took the time out to share your happy moments. I am featuring Kay's post from last week that explained a lot to me....I just knew there was someone causing the scales to read such big numbers when I stand on them. ;-) Thanks for the giggle Kay.
My week has, as always, been filled with smiles. I am so lucky to have such a lot in my life that gives me reasons to be happy. I'm sharing a few festive photos that made me smile....

So there you are folks...just a few of my smiles from this week and if none of those make you smile then I'm adding a link to a video Shell put on Facebook.
I really hope you can click on the link and enjoy a giggle.
Please share your smiles by linking them below and let's all do our best at making the world a happier place.
Annie x
Ah, what happy days! My child was ALWAYS a reluctant Santa visitor..he's too big a thing in their heads, stranger, pressure to enjoy - I don't know why but we stopped offering in the end...strange huh! I'm not linking Annie because my post is very much a review, despite the hilarity that I enjoyed with the products..if it's not against your rules, then I'll be happy to, of course!
Funny boys! At least Phoebe and Lulu have a nice souvenir photo.
Happy Friday :)
Aww Bless them. I think it is a trust thing with the boys!
Adorable pictues. The little children are precious. Memories...somewhere buried in rubber maid I've each year where my 2 sons visited Santa. They were eager to tell them their wants. Thanks for hosting Annie, have a great weekend.
Hi Annie, sorry I'm so late, it's been a busy day. I love the pics of your grands meeting Santa though I do think some of the very little ones find him a little frightening to begin with. None more so than my own son who, at 2 years old, screamed in terror when St Nicholas(Sankt Nikolaus)offered him a sweet in a German supermarket. I don't know who was more taken aback, St Nicholas, who looked rather grand in his red and gold bishop's robes, or us! The girls look fabulous with their painted faces. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth xx
Hi Annie.....oooh aren't the grandies just at that wonderful age - Christmas is an exciting time for them and those photos are priceless - at least half the kids embrace Santa or they just don't. I couldn't open the link. Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend hugs Robyn
Lovely Christmas photos of the little ones. We do spend a lot of time telling our children not to talk to strangers, and not to accept presents from them. It´s no wonder when they are wary of Santa. But the photos are great all the same. They must all be getting so excited now. have a wonderful time together. Kate x
I meant to say, I can´t open the link either. Kate
Hi Annie. I have been following your card blog for ages but just found this blog on Robyn's blog, so I am joining in a day late. Have a good day.
I love the Christmas photos.
I just got home from shopping for the third day in a row, and realized I had missed Friday Smiles. I can't seem to get my head on straight now that it's December.
I had no idea kids were afraid of Santa. I never visited a Santa, because my Grandparents told me early on that Santa was there for kids to enjoy Christmas, but not for anything more than symbolism. Later, I learned it was a way to turn Christmas into a commercial success. I grew up knowing there was no Santa, no Easter Bunny, and no Tooth Fairy. Some might think I missed out on my childhood, but I think it's why I'm so BRUTALLY honest.
Looks like the kids caused YOU (and me too) to smile this week, even though they frowned.
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