What special shares we had this last week and each and every one made me smile but there has to be one that made me smile more than others and this week it just had to be Jo's post sharing the news of the early arrival of her little grandson. He has a gorgeous big sister and curly girlies who are cousins but he is the first little boy so I can well imagine just how much he will be spoiled by the girls and of course his doting Grandparents....many many congrats to all concerned and thanks to Jo for letting us share in her excitement.
As most of you will know there has been lots here to celebrate since last week with the 2nd birthday of my little twinnie munchkins so this week I have put a few pics of the celebrations to share with you....if they don't make you smile I'd be really surprised ....after all you have watched them grow with us thanks to the world of blogging.

I was hoping to have good news on the house front but as yet it's just not happened......we managed to get the bungalow we want at a price we can afford but in the time it took to get that our buyers have disappeared. It's such a game isn't it? I'm sure if it's meant to happen it will but until then we will keep hoping and praying.
Now please take a look at your world and find something that has made you smile this week to share with our friends. Please link up below between now and next Friday and I will choose the best to feature when I post my next Happy post.
Have a great week.
Annie x
Have a great week.
Annie x