Wahooo. It's been another productive week for me.
My customers keep coming and, as always I've had lots of new folk coming to my door for sewing bringing my customer count up to 1131 this week. So many new 'friends'..... if only I had a good memory for names! My 'to do' rail has filled and emptied several times since I spoke to you last week but I won't bore you with those pics :-)
My crafting table has also filled and emptied a few times too so that's what I'm gonna share with you today in my 'show and tell'.

I had a very special visitor who called after having had an accident....I think he fell off his sleigh on one of his practise runs. As you can see he had bumped his head so had called in at Sewing by Annie's to be fitted with a protective hat [think someone told him I used to be a nurse].
I measured him up and set to and knitted him a nice warm hat ready for Christmas eve.
I then did more snipping, turning, stuffing and stitching up of the second collection of little stuffies for the second ABC bag that Jo[zarty] bought for one of the new babies here.....Yes much coffee was drank too :-) As I like to say 'Patience is a virtue, possess it if you can, often found in women but never in a man'...and thankfully it's one I have plenty of.
My next job was to make the two ABC bags with all their pockets to hold all the little stuffies. So I filled my table and ironing board with all the ingredients to make them. There was interfacing, stuffing, 4 zips and wadding and with a lot of deciphering of the instructions [I wouldn't suggest you
attempt making one of these without lots of sewing experience] I got to work. It took me a whole weekend of crafting time but I have to say I am truly thrilled with the results.
Here is the front and back of the one completed bag and.....
.....here you can see that when the 2 zips each side are opened out fully it will hang up to show all the little pockets holding the stuffies.
I'm sure you will agree with me that it was well worth all the hard work and that I have some of the luckiest little Grandies in the world....they are gonna get lots of fun out of these [and so with the grown ups too :-) ].....and yes I have now completed both bags :-)
Thanks so much Jo.
Now folks it's time to leave me a little 'hello comment' and then I will let you pop over to Julia our
'Queen of snoop's blog' to join in the wonderful WOYWW fun.
Thanks for calling in. Have a great week.
Annie x