Wednesday 3 July 2024


 I've been off on another adventure at the weekend in our caravan....this time to our favourite campsite in Llanidloes.  I had been very busy with sewing before we went on Friday and that's what I will share with you today...

I have made 6 reading cushions to raise money for the charity and I have a book to go in the front pocket for each one.

I really enjoyed making these so hope they raise lots of funds.

I was given the wadding out of a Hello Fresh meal box....I decided it was too good to throw out.

I folded it so it was 4 thicknesses thick and stitched the layers in place by hand then covered it to make my hubby a new kneeler to use when hes knocking tent pegs in when we are camping....I'm not sure who was more pleased with the finished cushion, me or my hubby :-)

I am typing this early this week and setting it to post automatically because I have Nanny Annie days on Tuesday and Wednesday this week and already have 8 customers waiting in a queue for me to start sewing again on Thursday this week!!!  I think they miss me :-)

I will do my best to call by on as many blogs as I can when I am able but please be patient with me this week.


Annie x


  1. the cushion looks great, what a good idea! glad you had a fun weekend away. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Busy as ever then Annie. Glad you had a fun weekend away. The cushion looks great - and used straight away too. Hope the reading cushions sell well. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  3. The book cushions are gorgeous. Great fabrics. Enjoy your day. I'm not posting this week. x x Jo

  4. I used that Hello Fresh wadding to make the arms and legs of the Queen model a couple o years ago, it’s good stuff and perfect for protecting Doddy’s knees - the fabric is fun too! Love the idea of the reading bags, they’ll go well. I’m glad you enjoyed your weekend away and getting good use out of the caravan!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  5. The cushion for your husband’s knees was a great idea and I am sure much appreciated. Lovely book cushions- I like that orange dinosaur. Did you take sewing to do in the caravan? Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

  6. Loving the cushion, sure he will love it too. I'm in a hurry this morning as I have to get the dogs back from the kennels. Hopefully Des did his last school visit yesterday but I wont hold my breath on that one. Happy woyww, Angela x11x

  7. I've never seen those reading cushions before but what a fabulous idea! They'd make great presents for teachers too I think & they're wonderful colours. Have a great week, Lisa-Jane #8,

  8. I love your reading cushions- what a good idea and I’m sure your other half appreciated a cushion to protect his knees.
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 5 xx

  9. Love those reading cushions. Never seen them before but what a fabulous idea. I do hope they raise lots of money for you.
    Lovely thought to make hubby a kneeler for his tent peg bashing, no wonder he was chuffed. So much love for your man.
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  10. Great reading pillows! What a great idea! I'm sure they will go quickly! And good for you for upcycling from your Hello Fresh box! Hubby's knees are saved! You sound like you will have a very busy week! Enjoy, Lindart #14


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