Wednesday 14 February 2018


Here we are again on the best day of the week when we all catch up with our blogging friends all around the world....if you don't know what I'm talking about what cave have you been living in for what seems like for ever?  Pop over to Julia's at the Stamping Ground to find out more and to join in the fun.

My desks today involve quilt making.  I have had a break from the demand of sewing for my customers for a few days and as my head was full of cold bugs I needed what I call a bit of mindless sewing to keep me busy without great demands being put on my brainpower so I decided to make a couple of eye spy quilts.

I got out my boxes of fabrics and carefully cut out 108 4" squares....enough for 2 quilts.  Each square is different to the next so all 54 has something different to search for and talk about. 
I then sorted out enough fabric to make the borders for each quilt and had sufficient wadding but didn't have enough fabric for the backing pieces so ordered some on line from the company I use.


My name is Annie and I'm a fabricolic....

While shopping in Aldi's on Saturday morning they had fat quarter bundles in stock again and they are always far too good to miss out on so they fell into my trolley and when we got home from shopping my parcel of plain cotton fabrics I use for backing my quilts had arrived too....a girl can never have too much fabric ....can she?

As you can see I've already put some of the plain backing fabric to good use as I've now completed my two quilts....but you may notice the fat quarters are stacked on the top of the photos as I may need to stroke those just a little more before I cut into them.  😁😁😁😁

That's all from me for this week....I wonder what I will have on my desk next week to share with you?  I will do my best to get round as many of my visitors that I can and until then I hope you all have happy, healthy and creative times during the week.
Annie x


  1. Oooh, look at those snowdrops adorning your blog!!
    And look at that beautiful quilt... sigh...
    Happy WOYWW :)
    no. 3

  2. You did make me laugh Annie with the comment about stroking; I feel the same way about new paper pads lol. Gorgeous quilts! Hope you're back to 100% soon. Have a good week. Sarah #14

  3. Hello Annie and thank you for your visit and lovely comments. The snowdrops in your header were a super start to your blog. The fabrics are gorgeous and how I wish I could make quilts so well and so fast. super fabrics. No you can't have too much. Anne #21

  4. Stroke away, on your Aldi bargains, Annie, I understand that, I love fabric too.. and craft stash in particular! Hopeless eh? Wonderful rungs you’ve amd,e I’m afrain I wouldn’t call 54 different squares as mindless sewing in any shape, but great work!
    Happy WOYWW, Sha ain Oz.x #16

  5. Two lovely quilts and some nice fat quarters to stroke - just like me with paper in a book. I pull it out and put it back, it is a wonder it is not creased and dirty.
    Sorry you are still suffering with the bugs - me too - do they ever really go away? Or do they just hibernate for a day or so and reappear?
    Take care and Get Well
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  6. Hi Annie, first off you totally confused me by changing your picture, rofl! Aren't those snowdrops so lovely? Good to get a bit of 'me-time', you've definitely been having fun.Those quilts are amazing. It's a bit like a crafter can never have too many inkpads, but I think I may have a problem knowing when to stop, lol. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #15 XxX

  7. Wow absolutely gorgeous quilt! I am always amazed by your skills in sewing! Have a wonderful week! xo Cheetarah #24

  8. That's ok, buying fabric in Aldi is allowed - I went to Hobbycraft yesterday and may have bought a couple things :-D. Those quilts are fab, you're such a fast worker!!
    Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

  9. Awww Annie, I love 'em. Especially adore the blue with green outline fabric for the border in the first picture...really appeals to me. Simple. Enough said. Hope you've just about banished the bugs, they've hung around far too long haven't they. Loving the snowdrops.

  10. Hi Annie. Just love the snowdrop header photo! Hadn't seen that before - no looking at the computer when I'm with my family.. Great quilts - how you can do that as mindless sewing when you are ill defeats my powers of imagination. Golly - you must be SO clever and intelligent - I can't quilt when I have all my brain working in good order... Just not me, I'm afraid - but your efforts are beautiful! Well done.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  11. I saw those fat quarters in Aldi and thought what a good buy, but I resisted.
    You are quilt constructing Annie and I’m quilt deconstructing. Hope the bugs bug off soon
    Lynn xxx

  12. hope you're feeling better soon. love those quilts, how pretty! your fabric is just gorgeous. Helen #1

  13. The quilts look even better in real life! Well done you. xx Jo

  14. Hi Annie ... I'm glad I'm not the only person who goes shopping and has things falling in her trolley! Ah well, a happy burden we must bear! The quilts look lovely, 54 different squares, wow! Have a lovely week Heather #13

  15. Annie, fabricaholic is something I used to be, I saw those fat quarters too, but until we get into a house and access to a sewing machine, fabric just must be resisted. I love the quilts you show, beautiful.
    Have a great week,
    Chris #5

  16. Hi Annie, loving the new quilts. I fully agree, you can never have enough fabric, unfortunately I tend to feel that way but that includes lots of other stuff too and I wish I could stick with just one thing but they all keep shouting too me.... use me! use me! Have a lovely woyww, what's left of it. Angela x20x

  17. OMG! beautiful quilts! I have not done much of anything except moan and grown since last June when I had surgery! At least I remember who I am and where I am at...if I could find my TV remote I would be so much more content! I am on the mend and will be doing more crafting from here on out. Have a great week. Vickie #39

  18. I am always so impressed with someone's sewing. I participate in a block of the month and struggle. Love your work.
    April #23

  19. Gosh Annie do you ever sleep always such beautiful things to show us. Love the idea of the
    I-spy quilts. Yesterday someone gave me a bag of quilt squares/tmplates etc. but am not going down that route I am passing them on to a friend who does quilting. Ani #17


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