Friday 16 February 2018

This week's smiles...week 259

Well hasn't that week flown? has for me.

It's a quick post for me today featuring all the signs of spring in the garden this week.....

I just love Spring so the signs of Spring never fail to make me smile.

From the top....
  •  There are daffodils in bud and I have seen some already in bloom where they are a sunny sheltered spot so ours wont be long.
  • The crocuses are popping up everywhere...such sunny little faces
  • Where we put gravel on the flower beds in our back garden the tulips are pushing their way through now....we had been a little concerned to see how they would manage.  Isn't nature clever?
  • We even have a little primrose starting to flower....the leaves look a little nibbled by something so I'm hoping whatever nibbled those will leave the flowers alone.

So that's all I have to share with you today.  I hope the signs of Spring make you smile too.
Annie x


  1. Please don't tell me I got the wrong week. I tried to change it, but it still shows up on the link.

    You really ARE blooming all over. It's been so dry here, nothing is growing, all the grass is shriveled and brown, and only a few buds are sticking above ground. You must get much milder winters than we get where I live. I really adore the varied and beautiful flowers growing right in your own yard. They are truly wonderful and adorable. Yep, they put a smile on MY face.

    Have a great weekend and a super weekend, too, dear Annie.

  2. No spring in our garden yet Annie. The only flash of colour is my legs in blue tights in a too short skirt haha
    Lynn xx

  3. Gorgeous pics! Forgot to tell you my little Dendrobium orchid has one bloom!! xx Jo

  4. Hi Annie, I am back from the gym but got distracted. You're right spring is giving it a go and when it does there's no stopping it. We've got some of that weed suppressing mat on part of the garden and the snowdrops still manage to push their way through yet we hardly see any weeds. The sun is out today so I am going to risk putting some washing out. Take care and have a lovely weekend, Angela xXx

  5. Wow, aren't they lovely! Spring is definitely on its way! No sign of it here yet. But the temperaturas have risen and yesterday it was warm enough to sit on the terrace. It was 21 degrees! Today again we have a very sunny balmy day.
    Have a good week,

  6. Hi Annie. I actually had a post and then completely forgot to link this morning. saw your post on FB ( the bear from the wedding dress :-) ) then remembered. Oh dear. Am I losing the plot? :-) Your garden must be lovely with all those signs of Spring. We have a few bits starting to show. have a lovely weekend. Anne x

  7. I love your 'signs of Spring' Annie. Nature is indeed wonderful. I saw some pots of little Tom Thumb daffodils in the market today and I couldn't resist buying some. I searched through the tray to find the ones with the most buds on. They are not natural flowers out here, but the garden centres are obviously catching on to the idea that the English like them.
    I hope your primrose flowers are not too nibbled. Kate x


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