Friday 9 February 2018

This week's smiles....week 258

I hope you like my new header photo?....just that is enough to make me smile this week.....I love Spring and snowdrops always mean it's on it's way to me.  The daffodils are also starting to open in sunnier spots too so it wont be long now.

Here's a few photos of Attingham Park where we like to take Milly at least once a you can see the snowdrops there are amazing at the mo....I just had to share them with you all.

I promised you I would share a pic of the bridesmaids I had here this week....they were really lovely girls and were happy for me to share the photo.....we had such a giggle over the jeans, leggings, boots and trainers and how maybe they wouldn't really go so well on the big day with their dresses.

I don't often share photos with me in them but this one was rather special to me.  Little Theo is now thankfully much better from his croup and was so pleased to see me this week.  I keep a big teddy here and all the grandchildren love to play with him and you can see Theo brought him to me so we could all have a group hug.  He's such an affectionate little man and is so like his daddy who even now greets me with hugs and kisses and never fails to tell me how much he loves me......I'm blessed.

My final smile for today is something I saw on Pinterest this week.  You may need to click on the pic to enlarge it so you can read the labels but it's me to perfection....right down the the pins held in my mouth!!  It really made me chuckle.

There you go.  I hope something has made you smile and you will leave me a little comment before you link up to your own smiles below.  I hope you all have a great week filled with reasons to smile.
Annie x


  1. Annie, I don't see a link. Here is my link just in case I fall asleep before you have a chance to add it:

    I have been seeing snowdrops at all my European friends blogs. I have never seen them in person before, only in photos. Yours are simply stunning. And Milly is being very protective in the park, too.

    What a lovely photo of you and Theo. And those dresses are really pretty, but I'm not sure I would have chosen that color. Have a lovely Friday and a great weekend, too.

  2. Your post really made me smile today. The snowdrops are beautiful.
    I would never have chosen that colour for the dresses but they are lovely all the same.
    That is a gorgeous photo of you with little Theo. So glad he is better now.
    And the last picture really made me smile. I am no sewer but I could still relate to most of it. I have a friend who has a 'funny turn' whenever she sees anyone with pins in their mouth, but we just don't have enough hands do we?? Kate xx

  3. What a lovely photo of you and Theo! Grandmother's love! (with the added comfort of a Teddy) I've just realized that Teddy of course is short for Theodore, as Teddy's were named after Rooseveldt.
    I'm rambling...
    The cartoon of the sewer is so funny. My grandmother to a tee. She worked from home too. She also had pins in her mouth.
    The snowdrops are beautiful. It is too dry here for them unfortunately.
    As for the bridesmaid's dresses... I would rather not say what I think of them, but I'm sure you have done an excellent job in getting them to fit. Can you imagine those girls then also putting on fake tans and what that would look like! Oh well, there's no accounting for taste.
    I can't find your link, but I'm sure you will rectify that later on and then I will link up.
    Have a lovely weekend,

  4. Lovely smiles today Annie. The park is looking lovely and the snowdrops are stunning. The dresses are really nice, wish we could see what the bride will wear. The sewing lady is a hoot! Hope you have a great weekend with even more smiles my friend. Take care and big hugs, Angela xXx

  5. Fab post - especially the chuckle at the bottom! xxx

  6. Hi Annie, been out for much of the day but here at last! Love your new header and the photos from your walk in the park. I've been taking pleasure in the sight of snowdrops too and the thought that Spring isn't too far away. The photo of you and your little grandson is priceless - one to treasure. Love the self portrait - apart from the pins in the mouth ... elf & safety you know :) ... it could be me too. Hope you are both fully recovered now. Hugs, Ellie xx


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