Wednesday 26 July 2017


Well, that lacking Mojo last week hasn't stopped me being productive thankfully.  The work flooded in last week because it was the last week of the school term here and a lot of folk had left things to the last minute so it was Annie to the rescue most of the week. 

But even that didn't stop me finishing my three eye spy quilts....

The exciting thing is that I have now sold two of my quilts and have had really lovely feedback about them including this photo of a little Grandson enjoying his quilt...

How special is that?

These are the three School memory bears I made last week to give as leaving gifts to three teachers....and apparently they really loved them.
I love my job.

And here's my desk for this week....I'm in the middle of making three memory cushions from three jumpers.  They were favourite jumpers worn by a much loved Dad / Grandad and are to hold special memories for three family members.

I always keep my tissues to hand when discussing the needs for special items like these and my motto is that 'my hugs come free' as a bit of comforting is usually required when remembering these much loved nursing training is never wasted is it?

That's it for me today.  As you can see I will be head down busy sewing all day today....I had a day of fun yesterday with little Theo so that his mummy could go into school and prepare her classroom ready to start back teaching after the summer holidays.
Annie x


  1. Love those bears and the quilts

    Julie xxxxxx

  2. Gorgeous bears and wonderful quilts - how lovely to know your creations bring such joy!
    Happy WOYWW :)
    Claire, no. 7

  3. How lovely to have Theo to look after whilst mummy is busy - gran time eh!
    Love the news about the quilts and love the photo of the baby enjoying his. Must be wonderful seeing what pleasure you bring to people - and heart rendering with the memory bears but in a good way.
    Keep sewing and hugging.
    Hugs from me, Neet 8 xx

  4. Oh such a special job you do there Annie!! I really love the quilts and they will be treasured won't they. xx Jo

  5. Hi Annie, your quilts are gorgeous, as is your grandson! What a little cutie! Thanks for sharing your photos. Lyns xx #20

  6. I love your quilts and memory bears; such great leavers gifts for staff. Happy WOYWW Sarah #23

  7. What a great idea for presents for the teachers! Much more personal than yet more mugs or candles :-D. The quilts are fab and I'm pleased that you've sold two, they are really gorgeous and so nice!!
    Hugs, LLJ 6 xxx

  8. Hi Annie, indeed, you have a wonderful job! Must make you so happy to make others so happy. Love the little quilts, I think they are a lovely idea. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxX

  9. Hi Annie, I just love the things you make. They are all so special. The teddies for the teachers are just a wonderful idea - what a lovely way to remind them of their little students. And those cushions - I can well imagine the emotions that come with them - mostly happy I hope. No wonder you love your job. Hope you have a great day. Hugs, Elizabeth x #28

  10. You are so clever and productive ... and you can tell from that wonderful photo you received that the quilts are very much appreciated. Thanks for sharing - Hazel, #25 x

  11. the quilts are stunning! the bears too, so cute! hope you get to relax a bit soon! Helen #1

  12. Great space and thanks for sharing xx Jan (36)

  13. Your quilts are a joy to behold! the baby picture reminded me of the days when my own child's great aunt sent me a lush package loaded with handmade quilts in 3 sizes, and doubled flannel blankets too. She'd made everything herself, just for the baby and me to enjoy.We still have those precious items. Such things become saturated with memories, don't they? How special for you to be allowed to create such nice things for babies to enjoy!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Rose #35

  14. Your quilts are beautiful, and those blue teddies look very special, what a lovely present for a teacher. keep your head down and carry on sewing, that should have been the name of a film. Anickoana #4

  15. Happy WOYWW. I always love everything you make. What a special thing to do for so many people. You will be pleased to know that I ordered a new sewing machine today - just a small one with basic stitches from Hobbycraft - so will be able to tackle a few fabric projects. Ali x #11

  16. The quilts are lovely Annie and so are the bears. I'm afraid I haven't done much whizzing round as we were supposed to be going walking and then it rained, still enjoyed the company and I've been catching up with a couple of jobs at my desk. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy crafty woyww, Angela x19x

  17. Your memory pillows are so special! No wonder there are tears when discussing them! I love the quilts, and soon the baby will be old enough to find things on it - such a great idea! And those bears will be treasured forever, I'm sure! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #33 - but Mr Linky will take you to a page that says my post does not exist - Fake News! click on "home" and it will take you to the post!

  18. I'm very late, and I should really comment on your Friday post, but it's here that I read down to! Well your last week was full of memories made, how wonderful for you and for the customer, such a great idea Annie!


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