Friday 28 July 2017

This week's smiles....week 231

Happy Friday everyone.  I really hope you've had a week full of smiles and would like to share a few with us. Many thank to the 5 of you that shared their smiles last week....I do love to read happy posts so please keep up the good work my friends.

I've found a few pics that have made me smile this week and hope they make you smile too....

On Tuesday I had a fun day with little Theo and what a lovely time we had too.  He is such a happy and contented little man and is so like his daddy was as a baby.....happy memories.

Steve was invited to a Knights birthday party and as you can see he was having a lovely time with his friends all dress up as knights.

Lexi and Sam sent me this pic of them playing together on their Gerald giraffe in the pool on their holidays....they are such good little friends.

Little Milly insists on climbing into my fabric boxes every time I get them out so I have made up a spare Ikea box for her and as you can see she's settled in nicely....why did we buy her a new dog's bed a couple of weeks ago I ask myself.  :-)
She's happy anywhere as long as she's close to me....and the feeling is mutual of course.

My last pic I'm going to share with you today is one my son, Mark, sent me yesterday morning at 5 o'clock in the morning as he left for of the joys of having to leave so early in the morning eh?
If that doesn't make you smile then I don't know what will....even if its just the fact that you can share it without having to get up at such an early hour.

I hope I've brightened your day and you can find a pic or two to share with us this week.
Annie x


  1. Stunning smiles Annie, loved them all, what a cutie little Theo and Milly too.
    Im watching a sunset right now at the creek five mins from my place. Our day is over, such amazing reflections cant share in comment. Just did on what's app.
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x

  2. Well done on the photo Mark - the evening skies have been beautiful too. I love the little knight photo - great outfit.

  3. Great potos of the kiddiwinks. I love the knight in 'shining'armour. What fun. And the giraffe (and its riders of course) in the pool made me smile too.
    Your son captured a beautiful sunset. I'm afraid I never see that time of day....
    Wishing you many smiles to come,

  4. Hi Annie, I'm back from the gym so thought I would do a quick visit before taking my shower. Great photos of the kiddies, lovely to see them enjoying themselves. Milly...well she's just gorgeous! It would be interesting seeing her get in the box as it looks quite deep but dogs are very determined when they want to do something they will manage it somehow. The morning photo is lovely but glad someone else got up to take it Lol! Have a lovely weekend. We're off to The Heckington country show this weekend which is the largest village show in the England. It's strange for a village to have such a large show and it has got bigger over the years. They actually have qualifying rounds for the Horse of the Year Show. Hugs, Angela xXx

  5. Hi Annie, super photos of the children - it's so nice to see them all thriving and having a good time. And Milly, what can I say about her? She's almost as contrary as a cat! Love the photo taken by Mark. I'd say that seeing a sunrise is the only consolation for having to get off to work so early. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Ellie xx

  6. I hate getting up early but I agree - one of the best things is catching the sun rise! :)

  7. lovely photos Annie. I am looking forward to spending time with our smallest family members in a couple of weeks time.
    I love the way animals always find something they like better than their bed!
    That is a stunning sky photo. my son Ben is often on earlies at work and he send me lovely sunrise photos too. we haven't had a sunset or sunrise worth photographing lately, because there have been no clouds to reflect it. I hope those lovely clouds weren't a forerunner of rain. Kate x


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