Friday 21 July 2017

Friday's smiles....week 230

Before I start to tell you about my week I want to say a big thank you to all who joined in the fun last week by sharing their smiles.  I really do love to see what's making you all happy so thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to link up.

So onto what's been making me smile this week? 

What a week it's been here for started off with my Mojo going on holiday and I really was struggling to get creative.  I mentioned this on my Wednesday post and the comments that came back really made me smile.  What a truly wonderful lot of friends I've got.....many I've never met [hopefully I will meet many more at the crop at Llandudno in September though] but even from a distance you were able to really make my day. You lifted my creative spirits my friends so thank you soooooo much.

From having a couple of quieter weeks this week turned manic.  Everyone had left much wanted sewing to the last minute so I've been chasing my tail all week to not disappoint anyone. 
  • Shortened two dresses for my daughter, taken one of them in on the side seams and lifted it on the shoulders ready for her holidays
  • Shortened two hems on an evening dress ready for a posh event
  • Shortened the sleeves on a young man's jacket ready for his school prom
  • Made 3 school memory bears to give as end of year gifts
  • Altered a Kindle cover/stand for one of my customers to take away with him on his holidays
.....and yes it all makes me smile because I love my job and work best when under pressure. I was rewarded for my efforts by selling another of my eye spy quilts yesterday too so that really made me smile.

My photos for this week are of my orchids because they are really stunning at the mo and two of my plants that flowered last year have thrown out new flower shoots and yesterday when I snapped the pics the first of these new flower shoots had a bloom opening.  

I hope these have made you smile today.  You should be able to click on the pics to enlarge them if you want a closer look.  Please leave me a little comment to let me know you've called in and then link up to your own smiles below.  I will be along as soon as I can to check them out.
Annie x


  1. You really do have green fingers Annie - those orchids have blossomed under your tender loving care! x Jo

  2. Hi Annie, oh yes, your orchids have made me smile, they are stunning. And what a busy week you've had too. I'm off to visit my sister this morning so I could be really late with my smiley post today. Must rush. Take care. Hugs, Ellie xx

  3. Hi Annie your orchids truly are stunning Annie, how smiley three make you feel... love them, especially the white one, my phaelenopsis is my only one, thankfully. And well done on getting all that sewing done, nothing like pressure eh??
    Thanks for sharing your Smiles faithfully each week
    Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  4. Hi Annie, I'm here! Just back from the Gym, well half an hour ago but needed food! Pleased to hear you've been busy. It's a funny thing but somehow when you have a lot to do it all gets done quicker because I find when I only have one project I spend too much time thinking about it which is not a good thing for my little brain as I flit from one idea to another instead of getting on with it. The orchids are lovely, they obviously like the spot where you've put them which is why they are doing so well. I so wish that I could make it to the crop. It would be great to meet everyone, maybe another time. Better go for a shower next. Take care and happy crafty weekend, Angela xXx

  5. Aren't orchids wonderful plants, I have one in my kitchen that a friend bought me and it flowers then looks like its dead then flowers time and time again.
    How's your mojo now Mrs Busy Person and how's our darling Milly ?
    All the kiddywinks will be keeping you even busier now the holidays are upon us so Mr Mojo may just have to take a back seat for now eh
    Lynn xxx

  6. Hello Annie,

    Your orchids are absolutely stunning! I got one a few years ago and the leaves are so healthy but it's never bloomed again! I think I did something wrong with the shoots. Ah well, the leaves are nice to look at too.

    Isn't it funny how when things happen it all seems to happen at the same time! It's great that your business has taken off the way it has!!


  7. Wow! Those orchids are gorgeous. So beautiful!
    It's good you have been busy. Hopefully Mr Mojo will come back from holiday soo. And if not, perhaps you will have to take a break while he is away...
    And it's so good you work wel under pressure. I don't at all. I do much better when I can take me time.
    Have a good weekend and another great week ahead,
    PS when is the crop at Llandudno?

  8. Well done on all that sewing. As you know, it is not my chosen hobby, but I can't imaging trying to sew in this heat.
    Your orchids are beautiful. I used to be very good with houseplants, but I seem to forget about them here. I was given a lovely orchid at Christmas - the first time I have had one, but I think I have neglected it, so I am not sure it will ever bloom for me again.
    Find some time to relax over the Summer. It is not just your mojo that needs a holiday! Hugs Kate x


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.