Wednesday 28 September 2016


Hi folks....It's a desk full of much the same again this week...

The little gingerbread houses have now been beaded up and a few buttons added so are now finished. 

The little 'Joy' hangings have been beaded so are also finished.

Then I was left with a pile of red fabric too small to use for another stocking or Christmas sack so I cut it up, appliqued a few with decorations......

......backed them with some lining fabric and attached them to some red bias binding and hey presto....

I made 3 lengths of Christmas bunting.  :-)
Nothing goes to waste here as you can see. :-)

I've also made another little Memory bear out of a little one's Primary school uniform to remember the happy times there before moving onto Secondary school.....he seems very popular too. :-)

I hope you've enjoyed your visit today.  If you'd like to leave me a little message then I will do my best to pay you a return visit.  I love seeing what you've all been busy with each week.
Annie x


  1. Your little Christmas bits and bobs are lovely - think you need to pass on your ironing tip to Jan - she has been doing bunting too. x Jo

  2. Blimey, we've got identical desks this week almost!! I love the little gingerbread houses, don't know if I've got the patience for them but I'm going to have a go at some hearts! Hope you're all ok and little Theo is doing well :-D
    Hugs, LLJ 12 xxxx

  3. My words, you have been busy. Each turn of the wheel on my computer mouse revealed yet another photograph of christmas beauty. Lovely wander through your blog Annie. Thanks!
    That was a great idea to use the left over bits for bunting.
    I have just seen LLJ's desk and it was almost deja-vu - two busy stitchers and two talented ladies.
    Lots of Love
    Neet xx 1

  4. Hi Annie, gorgeous stuff as always. Love them all. Funny, was talking on a thread on a US forum earlier, a lady said her kids call her a skinflint, she prefers the term 'thrifty'! Back in the day, thriftyness was applauded and throwing money at stuff all the time was frowned upon. Seems to be the opposite these days, and people wonder why we have a landfill problem! Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #8 xx

  5. What a lovely idea to turn the primary school uniform into a teddy! Loving all your seasonal decorations! Enjoy your week! zsuzsa #22

  6. Ooh love your desk, Annie, it's full of such wonderful creations as you say nothing goes to waste. Hard to pick my fav but think the joy hangers and the gingerbread house is soo cute too
    Thanks for sharing
    hugs Shaz in Oz.x 13

  7. Annie you continue to amaze me, such gorgeous crafting, and I cannot believe how big the twins are now, my goodness time does fly...Donna 42

  8. You have been busy! I love those memory bears - such a good way to remember good times. Your ornaments are looking great!

    Have a great week
    Sharon K #41

  9. wow, you are so busy and have had another very productive week. Love the latest memory bear. Helen #2

  10. Annie you are always so creative and it is always such a happy time coming to visit your desk and seeing what you have created. Love the finish JOY and Gingerbread houses. Taking the scraps and making a banner was awesome use of the leftovers! Most our schools don't have uniforms but that bear idea is an awesome thing. My daughters scout troop dipped their hands in paint and patted a clean white T-shirt with the hand and signed them…My daughter still has it. It means a lot and I know who ever gets the bear will love it! Thanks for visiting my desk earlier and leaving such a nice comment! Have a great week. VIckie #25

  11. I have to say Annie your projects are first class. The Joy hangings are my absolute favourite this week even though it's difficult to choose. Thanks for the visit to mine. Happy crafting and have a great woyww, Angela x 19

  12. Loving all your Christmas makes, Annie. The 'joy' hangings are lovely and the bunting is fabulous! Thanks for your earlier visit and your encouraging words re my quilt making - it remains to be seen whether it's any good or not. Take care and have a wonderful week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #38

  13. Your gingerbread houses are so stinking cute! I mean I like the bear, banner and all but I keep going back to look at the houses!
    Chris #27

  14. Everything you create is so beautiful .... always a pleasure to drop buy and drool at your sewing.
    sandra de @26

  15. Oh my you have been busy your Christmas decos, you are sooo clever, they look brilliant, never waste a scrap I say, hugs Robyn

  16. Really lovely Christmas decorations. What a wonderful Memory Bear. I have the pattern and wish I still had my childrens uniforms to make one.


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