Friday 23 September 2016

This week's smiles.....week 188

Phew it's week the weeks fly by and this week has been another week of smiles.

Firstly let me thank the six that joined in last week.  You are all very special people who are willing to do their best to share their smiles so I would like to thank you all this week.  It never seems fair to single one out when only a few of you join in as you all come with different things in your lives that has made you can I choose?

This week has seen three birthdays to celebrate this week....The twins have had their 5th birthday on the same day that our new yummy mummy, Gina had hers so I would like to say a big Happy birthday to them all.  Here are a few of the pics that has made us smile.....

Here's the birthday twinnies all dressed up in their party clothes....haven't they grown?

Their party was the first time I was in the same room as all 6 of our little grandees so it was a very special day for me too.

Here's the girly cousins all having cuddles with their new little them all to bits.

Here's our new little family snuggling together....I love this pic.

And last but by no means least here's little Milly up to a few new tricks of this week....she never fails to make me smile.

I hope you have enjoyed sharing my smiles and will now leave me a little comment before linking up your own smiles below.
Have a happy week my friends.
Annie x

Whoops! I'm sorry I've just noticed no Mr Linky....just put it up!


  1. Such special photos of your wonderful family. I know how you fell having the grandees all together. My elder daughter married in Brighton a couple of weeks ago and for the first time we were all together (since my little 3 year old grandson was born) and it was a fabulous weekend. I was away in Ely last week too and we are in the midst of major refurb of our house, hence my being AWOL from Friday smile.
    Milly is fabulous!
    Stay well, be happy and keep smiling!
    Jo x

  2. A triple birthday! How special is that! Great photos of your grandies Annie. I can imagine you are proud as punch.
    I did smile at (not so little) Milly finding new places to sit and walk. Forever exploring!
    Sorry, I didn't blog last week. Too many other things going on. You know how it is....
    I couldn't find your link this morning, so haven't been able to link. Where o where is it? Can you link me from your end? I have no idea how this works....
    Have a good week,

  3. Aw, so many cuddles - Theo sure is loved
    And Milly looks like my kind of person (or dog... although I tend to think of them as people) full of pickle and mischief!!
    Happy Friday

  4. Hi Annie, if your family keeps growing at this rate you could be having birthday celebrations every week! Gorgeous photos. Little Milly is definitely finding her feet too. Have a great weekend, probably more gardening for me Lol! Angela x

  5. What wonderful smiles you have for us this week Annie. Lovely to know you had all the grandees under one roof at one time, shat a special day that must have been for you and Doddy.
    Lovely to see the photograph of the new parents with baby Theo and nice to see that Milly put in an appearance as well.
    Lots of Hugs
    Neet xx

  6. Another fab Friday smiley post!! x Jo

  7. Hi Annie, lots of lovely photos of your gorgeous family, including Millie, this week. I can't believe the twins are five! Where have the years gone??? Sorry I'm late but we've just finished clearing up after having a new stair carpet fitted. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  8. Lovely family photo Annie. The twinnies are looking so grown up. Baby Theo is beautiful, and Milly is as cute as ever. Sounds like a super week. Kate x

  9. Happy Friday Annie, bit late with my post but I like to join in as it always makes my think about my week in a positive way - life is too short not to be happy. You're busy with birthdays, seems Sept is our month as well. Have a wonderful weekend hugs Robyn

  10. Hi Annie,

    I can't believe the twins are five years old! Wow!!! Time has slipped by so quickly.

    Congrats on the latest arrival and how special to have everyone together; that must have been so fun. Milly is a cutie pie!

    See you tomorrow!



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