Friday 30 September 2016

This week's smiles.....week 189

Happy Friday to you all.  Many thanks to those who joined in last week by sharing their smiles.  I really love seeing what makes you all happy each week.

I am featuring Neet from last week cos even though she's been having a few health issues lately she still managed to find something to smile about and share with us.  I really hope things improve every day Neet and you soon return to full health.

The smiles I'm sharing this week are a few pics from a professional sitting that Mark and Gina had of little Theo.....I will say that he slept throughout and I just know the results will make you smile....

Just look how chilled out he is here with the record of his arrival on the clock and calendar.

What a cute little bundle he is eh?

Here he is lying very proudly on the blanket I knitted for him [just a shame it was the wrong side of the blanket eh?  :-) ].

And last but by no means least here he is showing that he is going to follow in the footsteps of his daddy, granddad and both great grandads by becoming a Shrewsbury Town football supporter....start them young I say.  :-)

I hope my pics have made you smile today.  Please leave me a message to let me know you've called by and do you best to share something that has made you smile this week by linking it below.
Annie x


  1. oh what a cutie.... they really made me smile, especially the last one! He looks a little squished up in the second one, but nothing's on show that shouldn't be.... have a great week.

  2. Beautiful and definitely not the wrong side of the blanket!

  3. Lovely pics, made me smile this morning!

  4. These are just so gorgeous Annie, thanks for sharing them. Just a quick smile from me today as I'm off walking. Have a lovely weekend, Angela x

  5. Sorry Annie, I meant to link it like this but there is something to smile about in both of those, Angela x

  6. Hi Annie, These are some of the sweetest photos I've ever seen. What a dear little soul Theo is and he must have been moved a lot to get the different shots. I think he's dreaming about the goals he's going to score for Shrewsbury FC when he's a big boy like his Daddy. Yes I did smile. Have a lovely weekend. Barbxx

  7. Hi Annie,

    What an adorable little wee one! All the pictures are just adorable - and I wouldn't have noticed the blanket showing the wrong site - it still looks wonderful!


  8. Such a lovely set of photos. Theo is a real cutie. It is lovely to have a set of pictures like this because they change so fast, and the moment is gone.
    I love your new header too. Beautiful flowers. Kate x

  9. Hi Anne, magical photos! Little Theo is adorable and so good too to sleep through all the photography :) Love the photo of the sedum that is your new header - gorgeous and so appropriate at this time of the year. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Ellie xx

  10. Happy weekend Annie, yep I'm a bit late with my visits this week, sorry about that. Lovely to see little Theo's photos, they're fabulous, what a darling and looks like a good baby. Want to squeeze him myself...Enjoy. and have a super week, hugs Robyn

  11. what a beautiful baby! He is such a handsome boy!


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