Wednesday 27 January 2016


I know you will be here to see my desk today so here you go....

I fact having emptied all 10+ boxes of my material out to sort there is material in piles on every surface in my sewing be honest this was first thing yesterday morning and after many happy hours oooing and awwwing it's now looking more like this.....


I spent quite a while trying to decide just how I was going to store it but it's now been sorted into...
  •  Cottons and poly cottons patterned
  •  Cottons and poly cottons plain
  • Warm checks and woolen fabrics
  • Linings
  • Shiny fabrics
  • Linens
  • Furnishing fabrics
  • Utility fabrics for patching/darning and pocket linings
  • Stockinette fabrics for dolly faces
  • Smaller scrap box
.......and of course there are random pieces tucked in where there is room for them.  Maybe, just maybe I will be able to find any piece I need now?  I guess there is rather more chance now at the least. :-)

Just in case you think I've been wasting any time I have also, at long last, managed to finish the top I started for myself months ago and I have been working on my new Facebook page uploading some of my rag dolls.  Thanks to all who have 'liked' and 'shared'.....there has been a lot of interest in them.....and little Micky has been sold already.

That's all from me for today.  If you'd like to leave me a little hello comment I will call by at yours as soon as I'm able.
Annie x


  1. just getting in a few desks before work... love your organising boxes, they look great! Hope you find what you're looking for every time!! Helen #1

  2. That is a lot of fabric, I guess its the same as my stash of dies and stamps LOL, the blouse looks really good havent seen smocking for a long time
    Bridget #4

  3. wow loads of material that to be contending with - fabulous !

  4. A huge congrats on sorting through all that stash Annie, and sounds / looks indeed as if you'll just be able to put your hand on the right piece. Happy WOYWW, nice to be back in Deskland again, too!
    Shaz in Oz.x #15

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. Haha all your tidying made me feel like I'm not alone in the task.
    Thanks for the sewing machine cover pattern Annie, its in my possibilities book (something I've just started)
    Keep up the good work and I love the new top
    Lynn 18 xx

  6. Your pintucking is a work of art - it's so precise and parallel!! (Didn't think I'd be writing THAT this morning, lol) And great job on the fabric stash sorting, that's a good job well done!
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

  7. Gosh Annie, there is a lot of fabric there. Have you some ideas for most of it?
    Love your new shirt, I am rather fond of wearing grey myself.
    For some reason I cannot sleep (it's just turned 1 am here) and I have to be up early in the morning for a tradesman to arrive. Where is the sleep man?
    Hugs, Neet xx 2

  8. Hi Annie, it is so nice to be able to spend some time visiting folk, I have missed it. I just hope the wrist holds out to make the rounds but I don't have to rush so it shouldn't be a problem. Your materials all stacked up nicely in boxes looks great and at least you have reminded yourself of what you have now and should be able to locate it when required! Happy Wednesday to you! Annette #31

  9. Love the top, my kinda garment that! My DH was leaning over my shoulder while I read your post, he says that need to se our stuff, not spend hours sorting it out. Honestly, I think its too late now, after 30 odd years he's just net getting it!

  10. Wow - that's a lot of fabric but a lovely way to keep it organised. Well done on completing the top. Thanks for the visit earlier. Soojay xx

  11. Hi Annie, sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and reorganise things. I usually realise this when I can no longer find what I'm looking for because I haven't put it back where it belongs!
    Your fabrics look nicely organised now so you should be okay for a week or two Lol!
    Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x 29

  12. That is a lot of fabric! Then you list all the types... heavens! I never realized there were so many types of fabric. I wish I could come and rummage.
    I need a small piece of fabric. The bag that I keep my lace making cushion is has been eaten by mice. I will salvage the zip and the handles and go to the market in a nearby town where there is a stall that sells fabric, and I'll buy half a meter.And then sew myself another one.
    Thanks for visiting earlier,
    Have a good week,

  13. Hi Annie, there is nothing like a good sorting session to get ideas flowing, I find. Loving the top! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #8 xxx

  14. Brilliant effort. I have been so drained recently I haven't done much of anything. Hoping a bit of sunshine will come along soon and cheer everyone up a bit.

  15. Now that is a sort out! Looks fab how you put them all in the end. Take care Zo xx 44

  16. Never a dull moment for you is there. x Jo

  17. There's nothing lovelier than seeing all your fabrics beautifully sorted and easy to find - I have all mine stuffed into a huge trunk which means anything below half way down is far too much hassle to ever get to - I am now feeling inspired to get sorting - although it will all have to go back in the trunk, just in a different order! Your blouse is beautiful and that front panel looks very clever to me!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana #23

  18. That's a lovely top.

    All that fabric! Looks like my mother-in-law's crafting room. I bet it took a while to get it sorted, but at least you'll know where to find everything (hopefully).

    Sharon K #49

  19. Super sorting Annie. I always feel better when I have things ordered - mind you I soon mess it up again! The blouse is lovely as are those dolls I've seen on FB you are a talented lady. Anne x #32

  20. It's so funny, but as much fabric as I have...I still need to go fabric shopping! Love your stash. Have a good week. Sandy Leigh #39

  21. Wow you've been busy. What a mountain of material. You top looks good too Annie. Barbxx #54

  22. Nicely organized. Congrats on the new FB page. Peg 63

  23. Sorting out the fabrics must of been very satisfying and you probably made a few discoveries. I usually do when I do a sort. Have a lovely week.
    sandra de @14

  24. I think Watson & Thornton may be envious of all that fabric!! How satisfying it must feel to have it all as you want it. Happy crafting, Max x


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