Friday 29 January 2016

This week's smiles....week 155

Here we are at the end of yet another week and as always I have found lots to smile about....and really hope you have too.

I would like to say a big thank you to those who linked up their smiles again last really does make a big difference.  The world is a better place to be when smiles are shared.....Smile and the world smiles with you.  :-)  I would like to feature Angela's post from last week.....she shared the most amazing desserts from where she was away on her skiing holiday.....they almost looked too good to eat [who am I kidding? :-) ]........and thanks to her share this is one of my shares for this week....

My darling hubby treated us to a meal out on Wednesday night this week .....the food was amazing throughout the whole meal but I snapped this pic of my dessert just to make you smile.  It was an apple pie creme caramel and this was how it arrived.  We both had a chuckle at the presentation of it and I even shared a little of it with the love of my life [he did eat the sugar decorations on the top because I felt that did push my diabetic diet to the limits....and when you don't eat sweet things it did taste rather too sweet for me].  I will say that it really did taste as good as it looked.

This is my other share for today.  Our good friend Neet [of Hickydorums fame] shared the instructions with Jo and I to make microwave bowl holders and as we love porridge here it is something I've intended to make for a long time so being sent the instructions was the encouragement I needed.  Thanks Neet....I really hope you like the two I made yesterday.....hopefully no more burnt fingers now on our morning porridge.  :-)

That's my share for this week....what's yours?  Please link them up below and I will be over to check them out as soon as I can.  Thanks again for all your efforts.
Annie x


  1. Hi Annie,
    Ah, lovely smiles again today and feeling a tad hungry after all that food - what utterly cute porridge plate holders too from Neet :D

    Well our day is over and we are into our evening here as it is nearly 6pm does seem strange that your is just beginning.

    I posted my Smiles post when it was still Thursday there, as someone commented already :D
    Shaz in Oz.x
    PS at least made it for one Friday in January .. posting lot this week as will be absent for most of next week ..

  2. Two lovely smiles! I love those bowls and reading about this made me hungry as I am typing this before breakfast. The bowl holders are beautiful. Ideal for porridge out of the microwave. (Which I love but Oat-so-simple is not for sale here). Could you do a link to the instructions how to make these?
    The chicken and the egg is really sweet (literally I suppose). A very spectacular desert.
    Now I'm off to the gym.
    HaPpy Friday!

  3. What an amazing looking dessert Annie. Glad you took a photo to show us. What a great idea from Neet. Your two "porridge bowl holders" look lovely. Have a good week. Barbxx

  4. Hi Annie, pleased you enjoyed looking at my desserts last week.
    Love the bowl holders, that's a great idea. Must go now as I am off walking today. See you all later, Angela x

  5. Happy Friday Annie, oooow that does look like a yummy dessert and quite novel presentation. But must say the microwave bowl holders are a fabulous idea - my bowl was a bit warm to pick up this morning and they would be idea - pretty fabric too. Have a wonderful weekend Robyn

  6. Hi Annie
    I've been sat looking at that dessert for five minutes, I've never seen anything like it. What a talking piece that is.
    I'm just going back for another stare at it while I plough through my porridge and berries with cinnamon.
    Happy weekend
    LYnn x

  7. Not sure I know which bit of that dessert you eat - fascinating! x

  8. Hi Annie, I like those bowl holders. Like you, I like a bowl of porridge some mornings but the bowl gets incredibly hot - too hot to handle. These holders are the perfect solution. I need the instructions too!!! Your dessert looks far to good to eat :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  9. Fancy going to a posh restaurant and being fed straw!!!!! Not sure I would like that!!
    I like your bowl holders. I am afraid I still cook my porridge on the hob!!
    Sorry I did not join in but I was scurrying around most of the week and Friday night I decided to leave my puter alone!!


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