Friday 22 January 2016

This week's smiles....week 154

Hello to all you happy visitors today.  It's so lovely to see so many of you joining in by sharing your smiles each week.  I really do appreciate your efforts because we all have such busy lives these days.

I am featuring our dear friend Sam's post from last week.  It was so lovely to see her joining in and letting us all know she was on the mend.....slow but sure Sam.  Big hugs to you from us all.

I've had another fab week full of smiles and my pic I'm sharing with your really had me giggling...

I've had another visit from Miss Picklelily the children's entertainer.  She's such a lovely lady and I have a feeling she will be dropping in often to give me challenges.  This time she brought me a parachute to that's not something I get asked to do every day and def something I will be adding to my 'can do' job list  :-)  As you can see it filled my sewing room....and has certainly made me smile.  
Thanks to all who's shared my Sewing by Annie facebook page and has helped to get me up to 74 followers now.....please pop over to like my page and share it with your friends if you haven't already.

That's all from me for this week.  Please just link your smiles below and I will be over to check them out ASAP.
Annie x


  1. You'll be flying away soon with all that parachute material!
    keep smiling!

  2. I have a view in my head of you all wrapped up in the parachute trying to find the bits that need sewing and that really made me smile. Sending hugs, Angela x

  3. such a colorful sight that parachute, instant happiness :-)

  4. This is going to be my parting shot when in conversation today with anyone.

    " and if you ever need a parachute repairing I know just the lady "

    Oh my stomach is aching with laughing. I've got such a stupid sense of humour.
    Thanks for planting that seed Annie
    Have a great weekend xx

  5. Hope it wasn't windy when you took that job on! It looks huge! You must have sewed some fascinating things over the years. As you recall I did the chicken (suit) feet, Father Christmas's suit(s) but I also used to do alterations for a local lady, Nessie..... and put a new zip in her husband's red tracksuit... her DH was Bill Shankly! Can you imagine the football personalities repairing their gear nowadays!!!
    Missing the Munchkins this week and hoping you are back to A1 health by now.
    Love Jo x

  6. Happy Friday Annie,....oh my goodness that's a lot of parachute material but must way I love your storage jars and the shelf banners. Glad your clientele has started to roll in the door, hugs Robyn
    ps we'er having quite a large extension on two sides of the house and some internal walls being moved...exciting yes.

  7. Ahhh! But are you going to make some swish underwear from the parachute. I understand that underwear made from parachute silk was the best. Not that I have worn any myself!!
    Thank you for featuring my post last week. Definitely better this week, though not out of the woods yet.
    Just keep plodding on ey!

  8. Hi Annie, no smiles from me today as I'm not feeling too good - maybe when I'm a bit better. Enjoyed your smiley post though, cheered me no end. Off to lie down in a darkened room and hope that it stops whirling :( Hugs, Ellie xx

  9. That looks like a job and a half Annie. Don't get lost in there! I'm not very good with FB but will have a try. Barbxx


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