Wednesday 20 January 2016


I'm sure many of you are here to see my desk so I'd best show you what's been going on in my sewing room this week.....[sorry but it is a bit picture heavy today]

That much older sister of mine came over Saturday for some dumfing fun [embellishing for those that don't know what I mean....and if you want to know more please click on the link in the right side bar].

I wanted to use my new hall blind as my inspiration to dumf a picture to go on the hall wall....pretty isn't it?

I found some linen in just the right colour for the background in my fabric stash and made a start with dumfing some green wool rovings as a background.

Next I found some threads/yarns and some dumfable fabrics to add some details for leaves and flowers.

Since then I have had a couple of sessions on it to machine embroider some finer details for the stems/flowers.

Here's a closer look to show you a bit of the machine embroidered details.

It's been a long time since I've really enjoyed some dumfing fun and to be honest I'd forgotten just how much I really enjoyed it.  I have lots more detail to work onto the pic before it's finished and may even do some hand embroidery and add some beading.

The other thing I'm quickly sharing with your today is my now finished dust cover I made for one of my sewing machines.....after all I do have 6 machines and can't use them all at the same time and we do have rather a lot of dust here lol.

I hope you've enjoyed your visit today and will leave me a little hello comment to let me know you've called in and I will do my best to pop over to yours so see what you've been up to this week as soon as I can.
Annie x


  1. oh, that will be so pretty on your wall, I love it already! your machine cover is fabulous too, and so practical. Helen #2

  2. What lovely sewing projects Annie, Happy woyww Jill #4

  3. Wow 6 machines that's amazing

  4. Thanks again Annie for sending me the instruction sheets. I've got them in the book I've started for future possible projects.
    As I've been clearing round I've been finding things and thinking "ooh I might do this or that". I was getting quite a little pile of stuff and notes on scraps of paper so they are all in a box n book now.
    Lovely to see all your pics
    Lynn xx 11

  5. Six machines!!!

    That is a stunning piece of art. Such a gorgeous piece. Very jealous of your talent.

    So glad I blog hopped your way this week. Have a good WOYWW.

    Catherine x #19

  6. Its always nice to dumf with someone else, makes the project more fun and time goes fast, lovely piece you've done there
    Bridget #1

  7. Love your picture, beautiful colours. I didn't know what dumfing was but I find I'm a dumfer sometimes too.
    Jill #21

  8. Oh look at those double chins!! The pic looks fab - I love the free machining detail. x Jo

  9. That's a great shot of Twiglet in action!! Nice to see some dumfing going on in your new room, it's very pretty by the way. Love your new blind too!! Hope you're feeling better now.
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

  10. Wow, your dumfing is gorgeous - those colours are beautiful and I'm looking forward to seeing it finished, although it looks pretty perfect as it is! Love the sewing machine cover too - hope you have a great week,
    Diana #20

  11. Annie I'm just blown away, that is so pretty!! Happy WOYWW Cindy #29

  12. Loving the blind and the machine cover. I made a shirt for number 2 son yesterday after he spotted the fabric in a box. I am not sure what today holds yet, dd is home feeling full of cold and cough and wanting lots of attention so unless she naps later probably not much! :)

  13. Wow...what a gorgeous piece. Totally amazed with this detail and the dumfing and wool rovings boggle my mind..Just not something many in the USA do. If I would have won the BIG LOTTO I'd come visit for a few lessons. Love your colors too. Have a wonderful week. Thanks for the quick visit.

  14. Great pics. Love your machine cover. Take care Zo xx 39

  15. Oh wow, now that is a technique I never explored... it looks awesome!!! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #41

  16. Hi Annie, love the sewing machine cover, and the blind- inspired artwork is fantastic. Fascinating to see it take shape. The flowers made me think of anemones and sweet peas.Have a great week, hugs, Shaz #16 xx

  17. Well I'd never heard of dumfing until now, but I can see that it must be amazing fun, and so creative too. Beautiful work and goes with you blind a treat. Enjoy your dumfing day! MMx #49

  18. Your demfing is a work of art. It's going to be stunning!
    I love you dust cover. I'd love to make one for my sewing machine. And for my Kitchenaid and goodness knows what else is sitting on worktops without a cover....
    Thanks for visiting already,
    Have a good week,

  19. Very pretty! I love the cover for your sewing machine!

  20. Love that window blind - gorgeous! But the dumfing - well, that is something else. Stunning!
    Great dust cover too.
    Hugs and thanks for visiting when I was asleep, Neet 3 xx

  21. What gorgeopus projects. Poor sister , does she mind you calling her "much older"? ha ha!! Thanks for the earlier visit . Have a great week.Soojay xx

  22. I wasn't able to join in today so just having a bit of a snoop around. Your sister looks nicely at home in your new sewing room, Your blind is very pretty and I'm amazed at the way you are depicting it in thread and materials. It's absolutely beautiful work. Barbxx

  23. It's a beautiful picture, Annie, just up my street, and your dumfing is going to match it perfectly, you are so clever. Love the picture of your sister in full flow.
    Thanks for stopping by earlier
    Hugs Lisax #14

  24. Great photos. You are so lucky to have someone with similar interests.
    Loving your textiles pieces. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy crafty woyww, Angela x 15

  25. I do like your dumfing, Annie. Your picture is beautiful - you're so talented, as is your very much older sister :) Nice photo of her at work too. And the sewing machine cover is fabulous. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #48

  26. I am loving your looks so pretty. Nice to see your sister popping round. Probably a bit more often now she is closer!!
    Nice cover. I could do with one for mine. Will have to look in my Mum's patterns as I am sure there will be one or two in there.

  27. Haha. how does your much older sister feel about how you refer to her, LOL! I think I will refer to Patsy as my much older sister since she is often mistaken as my younger sister!!! (I am much taller than her). I never cease to be awed by how lovely your dumfing projects are! Such control of your sewing maching! If ever I attempt something like that, the stitching would go all over the place. I enjoyed your picture heavy post! Happy WOYWW!

  28. Love the picture for your hallway it's just amazing these are just fantastic works of art
    hugs Nikki 8


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