Friday, 15 January 2016

This week's smiles.....week 153

Well, what can I say?  I have had so much to smile about this week so am quickly going to write a list of some of the main things....
  • I was simply blown away by the numbers of blogging friends who joined in the Weekly smiles post by linking up last week.  Thank you to each and every one of you.  I don't have time to feature one of you this week but hope every one of you will come back often throughout the year to share your smiles.
  • Having had a wonderful Sewing by Annie Facebook page launched for me by our daughter Amy I have had so many family, friends and blogging friends linking up by liking the page and sharing it.  This has given me a warm fuzzy feeling so thank you to all who have given me their love and support.
  • On Wednesday I had two sewing buddies to join me for the day to trial a sewing workshop to make a dust cover for a sewing machine.  It was a really successful day, the three of us laughed, sewed, lunched and had the odd cup of coffee or three :-)  A great time was had by all.
  • I am thankfully back in the driving seat with being well enough to do the normal school runs for the twins....oh how I've missed them and they both hugged, loved me and told me they had missed me too.  Huge smiles all round.
  • Last night we babysat for Amy's three.....they are such good little munchkins and any time together with them is really special......more smiles.
The last two things that have made me smile have come out of not so good situations but I can always see good in any situation....even if only 'things could have been worse' and thankfully both are now on the road to recovery.
  • Our dear blogging friend Sam and her hubby were involved in a car accident at the weekend and although Sam had to be cut out of the vehicle and the vehicle was written off she didn't brake any bones or have any serious injuries.  She does have lots of soft tissue damage and has had a rough week but thankfully they are both alive and given time they will both recover well I hope.  Please send her lots of love for a good recovery.
  • The other little person in our lives that is needing a bit of extra love this week is my big sister's little grandson Ben who has his leg in plaster with a green stick fracture.  These things happen so easily when they are toddling and thankfully they usually heal very quickly and cause very little distress.  Sending you big hugs Ben for a speedy recovery.
My smiley pic for this week is this one...

Shell had put the twins lunch boxes ready to fill for the next day and had been distracted.  When she came back into the kitchen this is what she found.....little Monty had decided Sam's lunchbox was his new bed :-)

As one of Shell's friends commented... 
There have been times I was hungry enough to eat a horse but never a cat.  :-)

That's all from me for today.  Thank you for calling by.  Please link your smiles below and I will call by yours asap to see what you've got to smile about this week.
Annie x


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Wow, Annie, lots of smiles, but some sadness, too. I am so saddened to read about Sam because she has been through so much lately. Not just this accident, but the loss of her mother, too. It's great news that nothing was broken when they had to remove her from the car using the jaws of life, but it also shows how much safer cars are today than they were a few years ago.

Cats seem to be the topic of smiles today, don't they. I should wake Squiggles and show him the photo of Monty. Now that guy knows how and where to sleep! Love it.

Have a great weekend, and so glad you are getting back on your feet (so to speak).

Robyn Oliver said...

Happy Friday Annie.. a fab week you've had, lots to keep you busy and glad you're feeling all well again. Stunned with the news of Sams accident, oh my goodness how awful, so pleased that they're ok, sure has been a rough few months for her. Please everyone take care and enjoy your weekend. Hugs Robyn

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Annie so much going on I don't know where to start. Bet Sam is smiling now just imagine having to be cut out of a car and not having any serious damage! that is such a relief. Hope you have a great Friday. Sending hugs, Angela x

Lynn Holland said...

Hi Annie I'm laughing at Monty and remembering our beloved Kikki sitting in a basket of ribbons that we were in the middle of using on one of my workshops.
Speaking of workshops I'm glad yours went well. They are great fun despite all the prep and organising.
I better get a skip on as I'm still prepping for the first of my 2016 ones tomorrow
Lynn xx

Hettie said...

Aww bless you all for thinking of me this week. I have joined in because I have still had something to smile about this week thanks to two little blogging munchkins!! Thank you so much. I have used alot of arnica this week, both tablet form and ointment.
LOVE little Monty in the lunchbox. Not sure I could eat him though!!
Poor little Ben. I hope he soon makes a speedy recovery!
Hugs, but not too tight!!

Judys Lace Creations said...

Sorry about the sad part of your news, but little Monty stole the show! Cats find the funniest places to sleep don't they? You tube has some gorgeous photos too.

Barb said...

I'm so glad to hear that you are now back in the saddle and feeling much better. You've certainly had lots of hugs this week so that must have made you smile.

So Sorry to hear about little Ben and also Sam and her hubby. What awful news. My thoughts and good wishes go to them all.

How sweet Monty looks in the lunch box. That really made me smile. Have a lovely week. Barbxx

Twiglet said...

Fab post Annie - so many smiles. Yes we all sendSam a big hug and hope the cream helps! x Jo

BumbleVee said...

haha...that would be a heavy lug for a little one....

Elizabeth said...

What a lovely smiley post this week Annie. So many good things happening to you. If I lived closer, by a few hundred miles, I'd love to come to one of your workshops - the sewing machine cover is fabulous. The photo of Monty snuggling up in the lunch box is wonderful. Cats are so funny. I bet little Sam wouldn't have minded smuggling Monty into school for the day :) I did see that Sam had been in an accident but somehow missed that she had to be cut out of the car! How terrible for her. I hope she is on the mend now. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Helen said...

The lunchbox looks just the right size for a cat... thanks for the smile.