Wednesday 12 August 2015


Hi all.  I know you're all here to see my desk so here is a little of what's on it today...

This is a fabric panel that I plan to use as a pocket on the front of a machine cover for one of my sewing machines when my new sewing room is set up......I've appliqued the sewing machine on the front and then machine embroidered the details on....hope you like it :-)

I will make you smile when I tell you that I used a vanishing pen to write the I love sewing on the fabric.....I then started stitching but by the time I'd sewn the 'I love' the 'sewing' part had disappeared!!  I wrote it on again and started sewing again, I got half way down the S and my bobbin ran out!! By the time I'd wound the bobbin with new thread the rest had disappeared again!!.........third time lucky eh?  :-)

I will be playing catch up with customer's sewing today because yesterday hubby and I went to Aberdaron in North Wales for a day out and....

....I did a bit of paddling in the sea :-)

And to make you smile I'm sharing the notice we saw on the door of the cafe we stopped at for a coffee.....

I'm thinking of having this on the door of my new sewing room.....what do you think?  :-)

Thanks for calling by today....please leave me a little message to let me know you've called in and I will pay you a return visit in between my many sewing jobs today.
Annie x


  1. haven't paddled for ages... glad you enjoyed a day out - love the cafe sign! Helen 5

  2. Haha I've been afflicted by vanishing pen syndrome enough times! I love your sewing machine cover...but when will there ever come a time to cover it up when it's such a busy beast?! Hope you had a lovely time at the coast x

  3. What a lovely day for a trip to the seaside! Love the action shot of the paddling :-). That sign is should definitely have one for your sewing room, lol!
    And Maxine is right..your cover is gorgeous, but I bet it'll be off more than on!!
    Hugs, LLJ 4 xxxx

  4. I think that notice is wonderful - something I bet lots of folks copy for their rooms. Hope you don't mind as I might have to do one.
    Had to smile about your sewing but what a wonderful cover for your machine (whichever one gets it).
    Hugs, Neet 19 xxx

  5. lol love the cafe sign! your appliqué is very cute!
    happy woyww
    Charlie #8
    or find me here

  6. Ha - that notice is priceless!! Love the sewing machine collage - will be round to see it sometime! x Jo

  7. Ha Ha what a great sign! I am (hopefully) off for a paddle on Friday - fingers crossed that it doesn't pour. glad to finally got your sewing done :D Soojay 22

  8. Lovely post Annie, love theta when it is not even a Smiles post you have lots f smiles for us... Truly in your blood!!! :)
    Beautiful work in spite of the disappearing pen. Loved your smiles post too, thanks for being a blessing, Shaz in Oz.x #25

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  9. Lovely panel. Great sign it made me giggle - needed that! Looking forward to a paddle when next at seaside - with my granddaughters all being well. Anne x #32

  10. Hi Annie, loving the sewing machine cover- but they're all right, it will be off more than on! Maybe it needs a hanger, lol.Looks like you had a lovely day to visit the beach, and that sign is very funny. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #14 xxx

  11. That sign made me giggle .... I can see that on many a door. Looks like you had fun day at the seaside.
    sandra de @41

  12. That's a sweet appliqué you made for your sewing machine cover. I've made curtains and clothes in the past, but never did any appliqués. I really like the humorous sign that you found at the coffee shop too. Happy WOYWW! #43

  13. Happy WOYWW Annie, and thanks for your visit. I'm loving your machine panel, its' fabulous. Enjoy your week Cheers RobynO#18

  14. I LOVE it Annie....but most especially because of the story....what a stayer you are...then proven by your ability to stwnd in the freezing cold sea!!!The sign for the sewing room door is just about perfect if you ask me.

  15. What an enjoyable post!
    An invisible pen for sewing? amazing what they invent nowadays.
    Just love that shop notice - it's says how I feel everyday .... maybe I'LL have it on my door!!
    have a good week

    Bishopsmate #44

  16. That sign is brilliant, love it. Love the panel you made and that looked like a great day out too.
    Thanks for the visit to mine and wishing you a great woyww,
    Angela x 24

  17. HI, Annie, how nice to think of my painting in your sewing room. The applique you made is so pretty. I enjoyed your funny story about the vanishing ink. Yes, you should have a sign like that one! :-)
    Happy WOYWW and thanks so much for already dropping by!
    Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS

  18. That really is the sweetest little sewing machine motif I've seen - you are going to have the best dressed sewing machine ever! I love the business sign - how funny! Hope you have a great week - we are having rain down here on the south coast, so a different type of paddling going on here!
    Diana #17

  19. The applique and your story about how you made it made me smile... your feet in the water made me smile more but the photo of the sign had me laughing out loud: fabulous! I would definitely copy the text and put it on your own studio-door! Happy woyww and a warm hug (high temperatures right now overhere) from Holland, Marit #36

  20. Your sewing machine cover is really cute -- smiling at your story of the disappearing ink. Glad you had fun in the water. Happy WOYWW (a couple of days late) from Laura #48

  21. Good for you for having a paddle! I hope the weather was nice. I did laugh at that sign. That would have done for Friday Smiles!
    Nice bit of applique. I have just moved my sewing machine from its box to a permanent place in my new craft room. Now I too have to sew a cover. In your house there will be lots of left over material, but because I never sew, there is not a scrap of material anywhere. I will go to town one day and buy a piece of material. There is a shop that sells material. I'm looking forward to have a browse.
    Thanks for visiting me earlier this week. Yes, I learnt soon after posting that they were goats and not sheep! Well, I am a city girl at heart and never too old to learn.
    Sorry I'm so late in commenting, but we have been away for a few days.
    Have a good week,

  22. Love the sewing machine cover! I can totally relate to things like the disappearing ink disappearing too soon lol. Looks like a lovely time was had at the beach!


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