Friday 14 August 2015

This week's smiles....week 132

It was another week of wonderful smiles last week with lots of you joining in the fun again so thank you to you all for taking time out of your busy lives.

I am featuring Kay's post from last week.  She has had a long break from joining in with the Friday smiles because she has had a knee replacement [something I had done in 2005 so she has my full sympathy].  It's so good to see you back Kay and I really hope your knee continues to improve.  Little Muffin did look as though she didn't want to be disturbed to have her photo taken too :-)

My smiles this week are of my gorgeous grandchildren.....I know I'm rather biased but they never fail to make me smile.

Here's all five of them having fun on their bikes together [twins do usually wear helmets too but had forgotten to take them].  I do have a video too but our super slow Internet here just wont let me upload it to show you!

Amy's three are having fun out in the sun with their paints.....what fun eh?

And last but by no means least here's the twins showing off the van they had just found with Sam's on the front of it  :-)  They are on holiday and found a club called Sam's and sent me a video of Sam doing a little dance outside when he knew the club had his name [but alas I can't share that with you either thanks to our lack of speedy Internet].

As you can see I have lots to smile about this week and our builders are hoping to make a start at the main build today so I have a feeling I will have even more to smile about by next week  :-)

Please share your smiles by linking up below and don't forget to leave me a little comment to say hello.
Annie x


  1. Lol, that messy outdoors painting makes me smile - and how very sensible! Hope the building starts/goes well!

  2. Lovely photos Annie. Great one of the 'painters' :-) Hope building begins as scheduled. Anne x

  3. Hi Annie Happy Friday... I'm smiling because writing a post every Friday makes me stop and realize how lucky we are, to appreciate the little things and to enjoy every moment as life is just too short. Your little ones are the cutest and oh are they having fun... outside too...bikes and cousins, holidays and messy painting - joyous...aren't we lucky GPs. Great to hear the building is progressing, our is now on the horizon at least. Have a wonderful weekend Hugs Robyn

  4. Lovely happy photos. Hope it's not too wet for your builders to make a start. x Jo

  5. What lovely photos of your dear little grandchildren. How lucky you are. Look forward to hearing good news on the building next week. Barbxx

  6. What Fab photos! Best way to paint - outside! Have a great week . Soojay 3

  7. Ooo I would just love to have a go with their painting!!;
    Love that van too. I often do the same...have my photo taken when I see it France is good for that!
    Xx chance of building if you have the same weather as us xx

  8. That all looks like a great time to me and what a wonderful mess! Love the van. Special memories for them all. lovely to share your gorgeous family escapades.
    Jo x

  9. Fabulous photos of your lovely grandchildren. Glad they to see they are making the most of their summer holidays. I can just imagine how thrilled Sam was to find that campervan with his name on it :) Hope the building work has come on at a pace today. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  10. I saw this on this morning. I love the photo of the children painting. And I know what you mean about Sam. I remember when we were in France we found a plaza called Ben.s Square, and we had to take photos of our Ben standing by the sign!
    Happy days! Enjoy your little ones for as long as you can. Hugs. Kate x


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