Friday 7 August 2015

This week's smiles....week 131

Happy Friday to you all.  What a lovely lot of you joined in last week....we had so much to smile about :-)  Thank you to each and every one of you for helping to make the world a happier place to be.

I'm featuring Kate's post from last week.  Kate joins in almost every week and has so much to smile about her life over in Spain.  Last week she added a cartoon that really made me chuckle because since we had to have our one little dog put to sleep her brother has followed me from room to room and if I sit down he likes to sit as close to me as he can.....the cartoon could have been written/drawn with him in mind :-)  Thanks Kate for sharing it.

My smiles this week have been many and the first pic proves my point......

I had gone out into the garden to snap a few pics and the moment I sat down Rocky was sat at my side.....He's an old man now and sleeps a lot of the time.....that is until he hears me get up to move :-)

I thought you might like to share the flowers in our back garden at the mo so I've put them together as a collage for many of them have self-seeded and come free with our new home and each and every one of them makes me smile.

Here's a quick snap of the latest progress with the building....the footings have now been built and have been back filled.  Next week they are coming back to start the walls and will soon be coming to make a start on my sewing room 
 :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

My last pic is for all you gardening experts out there.  This is one of the plants we inherited and have waited to see what it might turn out to be when it came into bloom.....but now it has we have no idea what it is.

Do any of you know what it might be? [You should be able click on the pic if you want a closer look].

Thanks for popping over to share my smiles.  Please link yours up below and I will be over to see what has been making you smile as soon as I'm able.  Have a great week.
Annie x


  1. Hi Annie...getting in early today as I don't know if I'm going to get time later. Packing the car/caravan for a very early start tomorrow, but hopefully during the week I'll be able to visit the other bloggers. Excellent to see the done, how exciting. And your mystery garden is just glorious..what lovely surprises - so bright and pretty - sure does put a smile on my face. I think our cats know there's major stuff happening as they are hanging around me too during the day. Well best be off, enjoy your weekend Hugs Robyn

  2. Ah, cute! Love the flowers (you know me and flower photos!) not sure what your mystery plant is though. Have a good week

  3. That new addition is becoming a reality, isn't it? Looks like you'll be moving soon.

    Rocky looks quite alert for his age. I wouldn't guess that he is getting older. He doesn't appear that way in this photo.

    Your flower collage is beautiful. I was so impressed that all these flowers were so close in color. Whoever originally planted them had a good eye for color. Of course, I have NO idea what most of the flowers are, much less what your mystery flower is. I'm sure you'll learn before the end of the day, though.

    Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

  4. Those poppies would bring a smile to anyone! x Jo

  5. Loving the flowers Annie...such a nice 'calling card' from the previous owners! The building work is looking is exciting!

  6. Rocky is sooooo cute!
    It must be so lovely to watch plants unfurling their blooms and finding out all your garden has hidden from you over the Winter. Dying to know the name of that new purplr one!
    Jo x
    So excited waiting for my next visitors!

  7. Hi Annie, I am joining you for the first time - What a lovely idea. I followed from Julia's blog. No Idea what the flowers are I am afriad but they do look really pretty. How excitingto see the start of your room.Have a lovely week . Soojay 8

  8. Hi Annie, Rocky is a darling! And our Bonnie does exactly the same, she follows me from room to room and out into the garden. Love your frilly pink poppies. Your mystery plant looks like a lobelia, Lobelia x speciosa 'Hadspen Purple' I think but can't be entirely sure. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  9. Hi Annie,

    Sorry to hear about your one dog. They bring so much joy to us; they are worth their weight in gold. My Friday Smile features my dog, Muffin. Bless her heart.

    I have no idea what your mystery flower is. It almost looks like an orchid flower but not the leaves.

    Hugs, Kay

  10. I've never seen poppies with a streak of white on the petal next to the black splodge, lovely! As you can tell by streak and splodge gardening is not my forte so I can't help with the mystery. The flowers certainly have a hint of orchid, as Kay says, but the plant itself does not.
    Thanks for hosting x

  11. Thanks for giving me the thumbs up for last week´s post. Quite a few folk appreciated the doggy cartoon. I didn´t have a lot to offer this wek, but there is always something to smile about. I love your flowers. I haven´t been able to identify the purple one yet, but I will try to. Kate x

  12. I´m back again. I see Elizabeth thinks your plant is a lobelia, and I was already thinking that, so I´ve had another look. We always think of lobelias as the little blue bedding plants that edge a border in the summer, but I used to grow some tall red ones. Anyway I am fairly certain yours is a lobelia but I think it is the variety "Vedrariensis", rather than the one Elizabeth suggested. But you can say it is lobelia and be pretty sure you are right! Hugs, Kate x

  13. hellooooo.
    Sorry I linked and ran earlier. Doesn't Rocky look adorable? He really is a sweetie.
    Loving your flowers, though not sure what that odd one is, but then I am no expert by any means.
    Your extension is coming on nicesly.
    Hugs and enjoy the sunshine.

  14. Rocky looks so cute! I can hear my Dad saying "C'mon, you know this one ..." He was a nurseryman and would take me round testing me on plant names, I used to be quite good but sorry can't name this one! Chrisx

  15. Oh your extension is coming along fine. I remember the last week's photo.
    The flowers in your garden are really gorgeous. All reds and pinks. Beautiful.
    Thanks for commenting Friday and sorry for being so late myself. (I got busy). Have a good week,

  16. Hello Annie. Lovely photos and one of your dog made me smile. I couldn't join in as on Friday was racing to Somerset to see mum . She has had a very nasty fall and is in hospital. :-( Anne x

  17. Hello Annie. Lovely photos and one of your dog made me smile. I couldn't join in as on Friday was racing to Somerset to see mum . She has had a very nasty fall and is in hospital. :-( Anne x

  18. Hello Annie. Lovely photos and one of your dog made me smile. I couldn't join in as on Friday was racing to Somerset to see mum . She has had a very nasty fall and is in hospital. :-( Anne x


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.