Wednesday 5 August 2015


So?  You've come here to see my desk?  Well, as you know we are having building work and many of you will know that my little make-do sewing room, that I've been using in the last year since we have been here, will become part of our kitchen / dining room.  My mojo has gone on holiday so I have been using my energy planning and designing my new sewing room.

I have snapped a few pics of all my clutter in it's glory to show you what I have to pack up and move so that a wall can be knocked through into the new extension. You really wouldn't believe how much I can fit in such a small space......

This is where I sit to sew using a 'push to one side' method to use the particular machine I'm needing at the time.  The wall you are looking at with the window in it is the one that is to be removed!!

This a pic of what is right behind me when I sew....two crammed full wall cupboards, a hanging rail for customers items, a small table and lots of boxes and clutter!!

This is a 'bare all' set of pics of my three wall cupboards full of clutter

....and you thought I was such a tidy worker didn't you?....I just hide a lot behind cupboard doors. :-)

In the first pic you will see my new set of Ikea drawers well this is what I have sorted into the top 4 one has the bobbins for two of my machines [.....there are more somewhere in a box for my other sewing machine!]

The next three drawers hold my sewing threads.....hmmm I do have rather a lot but, whether you believe it or not, there are times when I still don't have thread the right colour!! Saturday when I wanted to shorten the sleeves on a jacket for me [isn't it always the way?].

I'm still running my sewing business but it really isn't easy when all around you is clutter and it's never easy to find what I need to do the job.  So I've been planning and thought you might like to see the floor plan for my new room....

This is just a rough plan and of course there will be wall cupboards and shelves too.  I intend my room to be a pretty, light, airy space for all my crafty friends to come to play with all my fabric and stash and machines to hand so I can create just when the mood takes me.....Oh I can't wait.
If you follow me on Pinterest you will see that I've been pinning lots of lovely ideas and hopefully at least some of them will take shape fairly soon  :-)

I hope you have enjoyed your visit today and will leave me a little message to let me know you've called by so I can pay you a return visit.
Annie x


  1. Your cupboards may be full but they look fairly ordered to me... but yes, there is a lot of packing up to do to remove it from the dust that will ensue... the new plan looks fabulous though! Hope the work goes smoothly Helen 3

  2. I have thread envy. I'm in LOVE with all those threads. Many of mine are on larger spools. Not big spools like those used on sergers, but flatter and wider. I'm sure you know what I mean. I sure enjoyed seeing yours, though. And talk about bobbins!!! Wowser.

    Thanks for sharing these with us, because I'm totally in love with these drawers. Wish there was an IKEA near me. Happy WOYWW from #2.

    BTW, hope to see you Friday now that Summer of Color and Index Card a Day are over.

  3. Thanks for baring all - there seems to be a theme going on all our blogs this week!! x

  4. It's going to be a sewing room to die for! Thanks for showing the floor plan, that gives a good idea of how it's all going to pan out. I think you have more spools of thread than Watson and Thornton!!
    Cupboards hide a multitude of sins, don't they ;-)
    Hugs, LLJ 14 xx

  5. Hi Annie....oh wow so exciting, your plant looks great and you're gradually getting there - at least you've more happening than me...but it will happen. Yes that is an amazing amount of thread...I think a few people commented about all my ink pads last week, you out do me LOL!! Have a wonderful week and thanks for your visit. Hugs Robyn

  6. So exciting to have a designed for purpose space. I love those new Ikea drawers. That unit has been on my wish list for a long time. One day! Thanks for stopping by already :-)

    Fiona #33

  7. Ooh, I love your threads - I don't have nearly as many as that but I do love having them in colour order - they look so appealing like that. I bet you can't wait for all the work to be done on your room - so much extra space means more stash to put in it!! Thanks for stopping by my desk, I hope you have a great week,
    Diana #26

  8. You certainly have lots of stuff to accomodate. You've got a great plan there. I'd think your new sewing room is going to be perfect. You won't want to come out once it's done. It is hard to imagine that you didn't have the right colour thread for the job amongst so many spools. We're all the same, whatever we do. We always need something else. Glad you're managing to keep your business going ok. Have a great week and keep up the good work. Barb#20 xx

  9. i have serious envy for your thread stash! goodluck with packing it all up that was worst part for me of moving my craft room it will be worth it in the end :)
    happy woyww
    Charlie :) #9
    or find me here

  10. I can't get over the Ikea drawers of threads...I think I'm in stitching heaven looking at that!! Love your space. Thanks so much for your sweet visit. Hugs! Sandy Leigh #43

  11. I almost salivated at the sight of those reels of thread, Annie, and your collection of bobbins puts mine in the shade ... and I did think I had a lot. Love the look of your sewing room plan and noted that there's plenty room for fabric storage, but where are you going to hang customer's items? Here's to when all the disruption, yours and mine, is over. I can see we might be having a lot of cyber cuppas over the next few months :) Hugs, Elizabeth x #37

  12. I've really enjoyed reading about your plans for the new sewing room. I bet you can't wait! I can imagine it is a bit cramped at the moment and you can't find anything. Be patient. It won't be long now....
    Thanks for visiting earlier,
    Have a good week,

  13. Your new room looks and sounds as though it's going to be perfect - I would love it! Despite working in small place at the moment Annie you see well organised. Anne x #50

  14. This all looks very exciting! All that lovely space and worktops for everything. Look forward to seeing this completed. Wishing you a great woyww and happy crafty week. Thanks for the visit to mine, Angela x 19

  15. How exciting to work on your new sewing room. My son is getting married next year and I am planning on taking over his room for my arts and crafts materials. I love your new set of IKEA drawers. And wow! those threads! Awesome!
    Happy WOYWW and thanks so much for already dropping by!
    Hugs, peggy aplSEEDS

  16. Your plan for your new room looks great! I am in awe of all your thread drawers! Fabulous!
    Have a good week,

  17. Everything in its place. All neat and tidy. I love the new Ikea drawers. You new space will be even better! so wonderful. Peg R 53

  18. my creative mojo went walk-about too .... it usually does in summer months. We only get a few, so I have to make them count. I'll be outside til October if the weather holds.... gardening, golfing and just goofing off...

    Today we had a cooler day and I absolutely had to do laundry ... some baking and whatnot... but, tomorrow I'll be out there again... going up to +23C ... with some sun . Actually it has been too hot most day s...but, we sweat our way around the golf course...all us old farts. Those seniors are crazy.

  19. You may have some busy times ahead but this does look so organised already! Chrisx

  20. I always think half the fun of going away, having Christmas/a birthday or getting a new room ready is in the planning. Hope you are enjoying planning your new room. I must say I have neer ever seen so many cottons, you must rival some shops.
    Sending Hugs, Neet xx (sorry I am so late)


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