Wednesday 19 August 2015


It was with great sadness yesterday that I heard of the loss of our friend Janet Fairythoughts.  It's never easy to put into words what is felt after the loss of a friend but I must say that although I never met Janet she certainly touched my heart through the blogging world and she will be sadly missed.  Over a year ago Janet sent me some of her poppy seeds that I had admired on her blog and she will now be thought of fondly every time they bloom in my new garden.  I hope her family and friends are comforted by all the lovely words that are being spoken about Janet and this helps to ease this sad time.

So in her memory we must all try to live a little harder and I hope we will all raise a glass to a very special lady.  Of course what brought us together was our sharing of our creative spaces thanks to Julia linking us up each and every week and this week is no different.....except that there is very little desk-wise to share with you today...

I've been doing a bit more sorting and organising my sewing room for ease of moving it all at the appropriate time during the building work.

These are the machine embroidery threads now sorted and put together in one of my new drawers.

Of course they wouldn't all fit in together so I have another little box for the shiny ones I tend to use only at Christmas time.

The rest of my show and tell are just a quick few snaps of the building changes since Friday.....

We have a new doorway built between what will be a new front hall and the new bathroom.

The internal skin of blocks have been built to the walls of the new extension and the door and window you can see in this pic.....

...was taken out yesterday and......

......blocked up.  So you can see why there is little being done in the sewing room....I'm far too busy making cups of tea for my builders :-)

They will be back again today to hopefully block up the other side of this wall and knock out another door and block that up too.....oooooer it's so exciting cos this is the start of my new sewing room.  :-)

Please leave me a little comment to say you've called by and I will do my best to get over to yours as soon as I can.  Please join me in raising a glass to Janet and lets be thankful to have had her in our lives.
Annie x


  1. Building work is a trial while it's happening but oh what joy that new space brings when it's all over. I'm excited for you. Eight years ago we lived in our house while we added another level to our bungalow. We had no roof, no kitchen for weeks but the end result made it all worthwhile
    Keep that kettle going Annie
    Lynn x 16

  2. They seem to be very tidy builders! Hope they appreciate your cups of tea and coffee and work hard! Have a great week. Helen 3

  3. Hi Annie, a hug for another blogger friends passing, and a lovely memory to live on in your beautiful poppies. Super to see the building exciting...we have had our final plans arrive for the last once over so am relieved that our renos are progressing. Would love it if we were half way across the world so I could pop in for a cuppa...don't mind one myself. Cheers and happy WOYWW RobynO#18

  4. Wow, the builders aren't hanging about, are they?'ll be in that new sewing room before you know it :-)
    And that poppy is a beautiful way of remembering Janet...she'd have liked that.
    Hugs, LLJ 10 xxxx

  5. So sad about Janet. Lovely lady on her blog and in real life.
    Your building is coming along lovely now Mrs!! I hope I get invited to the ribbon cutting!!
    Haa Haa
    Hugs from #25

  6. I was so happy to see your post about Janet, because she was such a wonderful and caring person. The WOYWW ATCs I make each year have a rocking horse rubber stamp she gave me. I had NO idea she had been ill. Although I didn't know Janet in person, I still felt that I KNEW her. So, so sad. I hope her family takes solace in all the tributes people are giving her today. I am sure she would have been proud that you showed a poppy from the seeds she sent you.

    Looks like all that tea making is paying off, so that new sewing room will soon be happening! Happy WOYWW from #2.

  7. What a pretty tribute to Janet...loving the Poppy photos too. Storms brewing here, so will have inside time today. Things are getting back to normal here...grandkids start school next week, garden is almost done producing, so I can plan clothes for our trip to visit my son in D.C. in a few weeks. I am soooooooooo excited. 2 yrs since we've been able to visit in real life ! Have a great week, peeped about and played catch up with your Friday the happiness those kids are always showing. You are blessed.

  8. ahhh Annie, wonderful thoughts indeed we never know just how far the sphere of our influence reaches will we...
    A truly beautiful flower (love poppies)with which to remember dear Janet.

    Well progress is indeed being made and can understand why it is hard to get anything done! what fun to see it built though!
    with which

  9. That's a lovely tribute to Janet, who I donot know but nevertheless... So sad...
    Wow¬ The work is really progressing! How exciting! Keep those cups of tea coming. They are obviously doing the trick!
    Thank you for visiting already,
    Have a great week,

  10. Lovely pics of the poppies and how timely with the sad passing of Janet. have a lovely week with your builders.
    sandra de @38

  11. Goodness, it looks like you're busy - how exciting to see it all taking shape, and well worth the dust, the noise and the extra teabags!
    The poppies are stunning and so special coming from Janet.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana #30

  12. Hi Annie, lovely words about a lovely lady. I will indeed join you in raising a glass to her memory.
    Your building work seems to be flying along now, won't be long and you'll have your nice new room.
    Why is it when we sort out and reorganise stuff, there is always a few items that won't go in their new home? It's some sort of sod's law, I swear!Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xxx

  13. I had no idea Janet had passed. The second of our blogging WOYWW'ers in such a short time. My condolences to her family.
    I too have poppies but from my best friend who planted them for me from her garden and I enjoy seeing them each time they flower. They will bring you lovely memories.
    Keep your chin up Annie and look forward to that wonderful home you are making.
    Hugs, Neet xx 23 or 22

  14. Lovely post Annie. Another rain stopped play day I guess but it will, will, WILL be finished soon I hope!.

  15. There is nothing worse than building work. The dust seems to settle everywhere! It is all worth it in the end though.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #25

  16. (((hugs)) so sorry you lost your friend. How lovely that you have those pretty poppies to remember her. Good luck with the building , its coming along nicely. Have a good week. Soojay 23

  17. A lovely tribute to Janet, my word we will miss her. Aren't your builders neat and tidy, or is your darling sweeping and cleaning as they go? I especially like the holographic shiny threads and am glad you have them separated because you'll be needing them soon!

  18. Bet you can hardly wait for it to be finished. It will be worth it though. Thanks for the visit to mine and wishing you a great woyww and happy crafting to come, Angela x 23

  19. What a lovely tribute to your friend Janet. How lovely that her poppies will continue to grow in your garden. Barbxx


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