Friday 6 February 2015

This week's smiles...week 105

Happy Friday to one and all.  I think we had more visitors than ever last week so I would like to thank all that called in and left lovely comments and of course a special thank you to the 9 who also called in to link up their happy blog posts.

I am featuring Robyn's blog this week.  I have a real love of the birds that visit my garden but have to say we have nothing anywhere near as exciting as those little lorikeets that she has visiting hers.....thanks so much Robyn for sharing them with us.

My smiles this week have been plenty as always but I'm being a material girl today and am sharing the pictures of my changing this fabric I showed you a couple of weeks ago...



A new top for yours truly and what made me chuckle was my attempt to show you that it actually fitted and, I felt, looked rather good on me.....

Talk about the sun shining out of my.......

The flash was on on my phone when I snapped the pic and I'd taken it off before I realised so this is as good as I got.  :-)

I hope my poor attempt at a selfie has made you did me.  :-)

Please share your smiles by linking them below and lets all make the world a happier place to be.

Annie x


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Is it my imagination, or have you lost even more weight? You did a marvelous job on that blouse. You really ARE a material girl.

Have a great weekend and a wonderful Friday, too.

Unknown said...

Great dress!

Unknown said...

There. It worked! That's what happens when someone says the word dress next to you, when you actually mean 'blouse'! I have only chav birds in my garden as it's a very urban area, but I'm working on attracting others, which are probably quite normal in most gardens, but probably exotic in mine!

Twiglet said...

So pretty Annie and yes we always knew the sun shone out of your..... x Jo

Laura said...

Next time hold the camera a little lower and say the flash is your shining heart of gold :)
Sorry I'm not joining in this week. I have no photo to share so I'll just be checking everyone else's smiles x

mamapez5 said...

I loved those lorikeets too.
Your new top is great and looks even better on, (despite the ´flash´). Hopefully I´ll be back later with my post. It depends on the internet which has been a bit of a yo-yo again this week. Kate x

fairy thoughts said...

I think you have lost more weight too..... Looking good in your new top.
While watching the GBSB the other night and they introduced Annie ..... I thought ..... Could it be... But no it wasn't you ... But she was a great character. I did enjoy the show too. Not linking this week .... Sadly but I will enjoy the posts instead.

Hettie said...

Great looking top there Mrs. It looks good on you and I think you have lost more weight too.
I wondered the same as Janet when I saw GBSB last night. I hadn't even realised it started again and I was able to see it from the beginning...I only ever start at about week 4/5.

tilly said...

love your new top, bet it looks great when you stop 'flashing'

Elizabeth said...

I was really taken with Robyn's lorikeets too :) Love your new top and it looks great on despite your personality shining out at me! You're giving me thoughts about making something similar for myself and I haven't made anything to wear in about three decades! Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Annie, well you sure did justice to that lovely piece of fabric, your new top is gorgeous and looks super on you too....that's not a flash that's a bright star for an excellent job. Happy Friday, cheers Robyn

rose AKA Walk in the Woods - she/her said...

How nice that you created something for You! It looks great, flash and all!

Now ... I think I'll get going on a project for Me. Thanks for the inspiration!

Lee said...

Great top really suits you,lovely to meet you.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well done Annoe jaunt love it well done. Shaz in Oz.x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oops didn't read that... Meant to say well done Annie, I just love it!! :). Xxx