Monday 26 November 2012

Thanks to blogging friends...

I just wanted to quickly post a couple of photos to thank two blogging friends for their patterns.

Karen posted a pattern for a cute little bear and I promised I would show and tell if I made one so here she is...

The pattern was easy to use and made up beautifully.  With a bit of stuffing and finishing off here she is...

She came to the craft fair with us on Saturday, sat proudly on the middle of the table and was chosen by little Lexi to take home with her.  :-)

The other pattern I was given from a blogging friend was of a hat for Lexi that Penny sent me.  I knit it up in some gorgeous pink chunky wool [it's actually better than it looks in the photos] and am really pleased with the finished hat but have yet to get Lexi to model it for me [that is presuming it actually fits her  :-)  ].  The pattern had little buttons down the overlapped seam but I rather liked these little crocheted flowers.

Thanks so much girls for sharing your patterns.  I've had a lot of fun making them.
Annie x


  1. Gorgeous makes Annie. Sorry to hear that the crafty fayre was quiet - I helped out at one a week ago and the tale was similar, despite decent weather. Keep going though and don't feel it isn't worth trying. The things you and Jo make could have just been too good for them :)

    Hugs, Di xx

  2. Lovely lickle makes there Annie! Can you make a slightly bigger hat for me as I love that colour! (Love hats too!)

  3. Such sweet pattern results, no wonder Lexi chose the teddy.Sorry about the craft fair...competition is hard enough but the atrocious weather must have played a large part in it too. Trouble is, you. Have to do'em all to know whether they'll be any good to you!

  4. They look even better in real life. That little hat is so cosy. x Jo

  5. Awe and ooooooo!!!! you have made my bear!!!!! I am so thrilled Annie!!!! She is so cute with her lacy skirt :D Thank you for sharing her, Hugs xxx

  6. Oh wow the little hat is so cute and the cuddly is even cuter. Hugs xxx

  7. sorry to hear about the fair and good luck with the face book I have an account but dont have a clue how to use or 'like'someone my Daughter is my IT fixer and doer when back from uni ,will ask her at xmas what i needto do hop eyou have a good week hugs x #63

  8. Love the hat. I'll visit your FB page also. I need"likes" also so I know how that goes! I'm onescrappysoul on FB or click on my FB badge on my blog so you can "like"me also. You might want to add the badge or gadget to your blog also to get some more FB traffic :)

    Have a fabulous day!

    #17 Apryl

  9. Hi Annie - back again as I went off to like you and have just realised I didn't come back!! Thank you for popping to see me. Step away from the rovings - mind you they are yummy I agree. Thanks for visiting me. Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 37


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