Sunday 25 November 2012

Craft fair at Marton...

Several of you asked to see our table full of goodies that we set up at Marton Village hall yesterday.  I would like to say thank you to Felicity for organising the event.
  • The venue was perfect...its a new village hall.
  • Our table was in a corner spot with tables at the back of us that we could also display on so that was perfect too.
  • The room was filled with beautiful crafts.... everything from oil paintings and home made cakes to jewellery and fabric crafts [ours].
  • There was a well run cafe area with drinks and refreshments of all sorts.
This was our table...

To the left.

To the right.

And here are the three of us waiting for the sale to start.  :-) 
.......from left to right are Jo, me [note the WOYWW badge] and Maxine [Jo's daughter]

Sadly we barely made enough to pay for the table  :-)  There were several other craft fairs on in the area on the same day and the weather was awful so footfall was sparse most of the day.  We did however have a lovely time meeting other crafters, chatting, drinking coffee, eating buns and giggling and most of my family came along to support us [thank you all] so all in all of course it was worth the effort but it would have been nice to have sold rather more.


  1. oh so sorry Annie that the weather id not co-operate as it was such beautiful piece of work well done .. think there are too many crafty folk over there! Now if you brought it downunder am sure you would sell heaps - but perhaps not enough to cover the air ticket :D thanks for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x

  2. It was a fun day out and you can't put a price on that. We have fun making all our crafty items and we have fun treating ourselves to nice bits of fabric, wool, beads etc to make more. So - to sell a few bits is the icing on the cake - just wish it was big fat 5 tiered wedding cake!! x Jo

  3. Is that Marton in Warwickshire? I used to live near there.. A sweet place with lots of arty types...

  4. You table looks full of lovely things, Annie. What a shame people stayed away after all your hard work. Still it sounds like you had a good day meeting like minded people and that's always a bonus.
    Hugs Lisax

  5. Your display is amazing and such a credit to you and your skills. What a shame you didn't sell very much of all those wonderful items but you can't sell if there's no one to sell to.!
    DH and I visited a Victorian Christmas Fayre y'day and it was just the opposite... it was heaving with people but there was nothing to buy... 5 tables in a huge hall and one only had 8 jars of jam on it!. We should have wizzed you there with all your goodies ... you'd have cleared out.
    Jo x

  6. So sorry Annie, Jo and M that you did not have a good day selling on your stall. If you were not 2 1/2 hours away I would have been there...
    I am quite enjoying being able to join in with challenges this year after deciding not to do any craft fairs this year!
    Never mind, you have some Christmas presents ready done now!

  7. It is hard to know what the customers are after ...some want a bargain others dont realize what a bargain they are getting as everything is handmade and usually one offs.
    Your stall looked amazing. I hope you covered all your expences of the day ...then you can count it as a fun day meeting other crafters.xx

  8. So sorry the punters weren't out yesterday. Craft Fairs are dependant on the weather and there not being too many others in the area aren't they? If you leave them until December you find people have got most of there pressies and if you have them too early people are 'only looking' - usually for ideas they can do them selves!! There is no happy medium. But glad you had a good girly day despite the lack of people. And you had fun while you made it all. Relax now and have a good funday monday together.
    x Tricia

  9. Oh I love your display so many pretties. And the weather is a BIG factor, but I agree with JO a fun day with people and projects to enjoy throughout the year.
    And there's always gifts to give.
    Hoping Fri/Sat's weather here is good. One of these days it is going to turn on us and watch out. It's the loading and unloading I dread.

  10. Your table display was wonderful. I find each craft event can be so different - each year the same show can bring in different crowds. And oh how the weather is a factor!

  11. It all looks so gorgeous! Such a shame about the lack of shoppers but am glad you still had a fabulous day :)

    I totally agree with what Angie said in the comments too.

  12. Great shame that there werent many buyers about. The weather has been so awful the last few days and I suppose a lot of people will have stayed away because of that.

  13. What a shame there were not many folks attending. They missed a real treat in your stand. A beautiful array of goodies to delight the eye and to buy.
    I went to the Stitch show in Harrogate - pity you could not sell your wares near there - it was heaving.
    Thanks for delighting us on your blog though.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  14. Oh wow Annie everything looks amazing, actually more than amazing, such a shame that the weather was bad that day. I wish I had been nearer as I would have loved to have come. Hugs Kerry xxx

  15. Your table looks fab, so full of wonderful makes, I'm so sorry the customers didn't turn up. The same thing happened to me last year, foul weather and low foot fall but when I worked out what percentage of footfall I'd converted to sales (even though they were few)it turned out to be something like 80%. That makes it seem much better, lol.


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