Good morning to all who pass by here :-) Brrrrrrrrr it's a cold one. I hope you're all tucked up in the warm today and all those that have been feeling poorly are now feeling much better.
I have a few pics today to show you what has been going on in the world of Annie this week...
Monday was another fab fun day with, much older sister, Jo and our friend T. Jo and I set to in the morning and cut out another 14 dresses with the latest donated bedding parcels.....Jo has already made loads from the 88 dresses we cut out from the Saturday mammoth cutting session that featured in my celebration fun quiz [alas my work load has been manic the last two weeks so I haven't manage to make even one little dress].....
For those that haven't already seen....Crafty Womble was the lucky winner and these little parcels are now winging their way to her. Thanks to all that joined in the fun.
We had a fun afternoon catching up with news, giggling and crafting [drinking coffee and eating chocolate!].
I cut out and started to sew a little dolly made using an
'Oh Sew Dollin' pattern that I bought in 2009 and hadn't got round to using. I love dolly making and really enjoyed making the latest Mr Tumble lookie likey so thought I'd give my new pattern a go. My youngest daughter A bought me the gorgeous tiny print fabric pack to dress the little dollies in so here you can see the pretty pink one I've chosen for my first dolly. She is a bit fiddly when it comes to the stuffing and I still have to give her a character with her facial features and hair etc so she has still to grow on me. I shall be adapting the pattern so she is suitable to be played with and not just a collectible because I know that certain little people in my life just may want a play with her. Speaking of which.......

This is how we finished off a wonderful Monday. My two gorgeous girls, Brent and my 5 very special little people came to spend the evening with us. Our room was filled with fun, laughter and lots and lots of love. [from the left the babies are Sam [twin], Steve [youngest], Phoebe [eldest], Louise and Lexi [twin]. This picture really makes me smile.....I'm such a proud mum and nanny and I really love my family times.
Most of you have left me lovely comments about the baby blanket I've been knitting so here is a quick update on it's progress.....
I finished knitting the 30 squares and laid them out on my table to space out the colours. [sorry about the poor lighting]
I stitched the squares into rows and then the rows of squares together in my chosen pattern.
I have since spent my evenings crocheting the border round the outside.....I like to do 2 rows of each colour in double crochet to give a nice wide band and as you can see last night I finished it :-) I'm so thrilled with the finished result too. Can't you just see a summer baby wrapped in those sherbety colours?
I hope you will all leave me a little 'hello' comment before popping over to see
Julia and link yourselves in to the fun. I hope each and every one of you will stay warm and well and have a wonderfully creative week.
Annie x