Monday 12 September 2011

A message from my Lady in waiting....

Hello! Thanks mum for that awful photo of me! Yessssssssssss I have been let out...........for now anyway! Latest update: Doctor now concerned about pre-eclampsia as I have protein in wee and my blood pressure is rising slightly. Got to keep a close eye on things and get straight back into hospital if anymore symptoms show up. One day I might just leave the ward with twins in day! hehe! Thanks for all your lovely comments and well wishes. I'm sure mum will keep updating you and putting photos of me in the SAME outfit!!! I do wash it I promise but refuse to buy anymore expensive maternity clothes as I hope to shrink back down to a size 10!  hahahahahahaha I can hope!!! xxxx


  1. Hi M!! Hope I've got the right one here :)) Keeping fingers and toes crossed here for those little ones to make their appearance. You're looking good chick - love and hugs, 'Dippy Di' xx

  2. It doesn't look like you've got two on board ... you are smaller than my DD was for one! Anyhow, you do look lovely and will soon be that size 10. Waiting patiently for good news..
    Love JoZarty x

  3. the waiting game is so awful ! Friend here just text to say Grandson Max had arrived !

  4. Lordy! I keep checking in but have nothing helpful to say! Mind, those babies will come out when thye're ready, for sure..and then in no time flat, you'll ping back to a teeny petite like you once were and they'll sleep all night from the get go, and you'll only ever have to tell them anything once. What? Delusional? yeah, but that's how I want it to be for you!

  5. You’re positively blooming ‘M’, but I bet that’s not how you’re feeling right now, right!
    I’m keeping everything crossed that the symptoms you’re suffering at the moment don’t get any worse and that you can continue on normally until the little darlings decide to put in an appearance.

    Take care

  6. The Bottle of wine is in the cooler. Just waiting for the nod from your mum so we can drink to the babies and your being back to size 10 in no time. Hugs Mrs A.

  7. Heres hoping the twins will emerge soon ...I dont think you will have any trouble returning to your size 10 are just all babies. Thinking of you.xx


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