Tuesday 13 September 2011

It's exhausting being an expectant Nanny...

M had to go back to hospital tea time yesterday with yet more really strong and very painful contractions.  Midwife assessed her and said she felt we would have 2 new family members within a day or two.  Bless her she has contracted all night but they are now less regular again and she only managed to nap a little in between.  I am really hoping that the Dr will assess her this morning and maybe give her a little help to establish her labour.  I don't know about her but I'm exhausted....anyone got a couple of match sticks they can loan me to prop my eyes open so I can see to sew today?

  Do you think if we all concentrated really hard that we could wish these babies out for her? 


  1. wishing hard for her...hugs to all x

  2. As a 'just become nanny again' a few weeks ago, I am wishing so hard for you all! It's wonderful how we are so much a part of these little lives nowadays, but as you say exhausting.
    Hugs Jenny x

  3. Oh Annie, you must all be absolutely shattered. I'm waving my pink fairy wishing wand around here. It makes the magic sound of sparkle and wish granting when switched on and waved. Trust me - I do have one and I'm waving it like crazy!! Hugs, Di xx

  4. I'm going to do all the things they told me to do when Miss Dunnit did her stop start thing....just off to prepare a nice hot curry, and all the time I'll be willing and wishing; it would be so much easier if we could do it for them, huh!!

  5. Eyes shu.......Nnnnnnnnnnnn.... ooooooooooh ...... arrrrrrgggh I'm trying my very best honestly!
    Hope those little tiddlers hurry up.
    Love Jo x

  6. I am concentrating...I am concentrating....I am concentrating really hard my lovely. Take it easy & try not to worry HUGS xxx

  7. Its pretty exhausting being an expectant auntie too!!!! Chill - all will be well. x

  8. Come on tiddlers - lots of people waiting to meet you!! All the best, Annie, hope you don't have to wait too much longer.

  9. Playing the waiting game is so hard. Perhaps we can devise a new board game derived from the old snakes and ladders and have counters with the babies on? Wishing you all well. Hugs Mrs A.

  10. Just a quick visit this week due to illness but hope to do better next week ... hope those curtains prove to be a quick and easy job, and I hope you have a great week. Elizabeth x #121


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