Friday 9 September 2011

The latest update.....

I know M has so many expectant 'aunties' out there watching and waiting for developments.  She reads my blog and would like to say a huge thank you to all for your lovely comments of care and concern.

Yesterday morning she had an appointment with her consultant.  Having had one with her midwife the day before that left her disappointed she was hoping for better attention. [she had told her midwife how uncomfortable she was and how she was unable to eat or sleep etc and her midwife had written in her notes...Looks well, feels fine!!].  Her consultant was a different matter all together and after her appointment she rang me and sounded a totally different girl.

She was scanned and the babies now weigh 5lb and 5lb 8oz.  The little girl's head is now well engaged and the little boy's head is also very low down [I think he is trying to overtake his sister :-) ].  The consultant has booked her in for her delivery at 8.30 on 27th September and said he wouldn't need to see her in clinic next week but that he felt he would be seeing her in in labour before her induction date!!!   He also said that they would very probably now not need neonatal beds when delivered.  She was of course very excited and much more able to cope with all the discomfort.

Here she is in the afternoon with my son's girlfriend G playing with designs for her wedding stationery for next year.  She can just about get close enough to the table to craft. :-) :-)  Blue is the colour.  She likes the vellum affect if only we can get it to stick without seeing the glue through it [thanks Di for all your help and advise...and for the chat on the phone  :-) :-) :-) ].

Here are some of the designs they came up with.  Not sure what she will decide on but I will say it was wonderful distraction therapy and it was so lovely to watch the two of them chatting and giggling and getting excited at all their future events.

Just so you don't think I was just sat idly watching here is the little dress I made while my girls were here.  This is number 73 and is made with some more of the lovely fabric Sue sent us.  Thanks Sue.

And here is the latest little waistcoat I've knitted for A's little boy.  Cute or what?  It's to fit a newborn and I can just imagine him in a little shirt and his jeans with his waiscoat on...We all have so much here to look forward to. :-) :-) :-)


  1. Wow, terrific ideas for the cards and M looks really well. Now, why all the smiley faces after you wrote about our phone conversation? ;)) Hugs, Di xx

  2. Lovely designs for that wedding stationery. I am sure between you, you will come up with some fab stuff. AND we have lots of great blogging buddies who can help with the technicalities.

  3. Such a lovely post, good news, lots of goodness and joy, thanks for sharing and I'm excited for you all,
    Honorary Aunt Jo x

  4. Awe...thank you sos so much for M's update Annie!!!!! She must be sooo relieved that they are a good weight. I have this vision of them fighting for pole position now hahahaha!!!

    ooo wedding stationery? It all looks lovely M xxx

  5. So exciting that it's getting so close and great to hear that the babies are a good weight and that the consultant was so helpful.

    ** Kate **

  6. Goodness me what a whirlwind you are! HOW many dresses??!! I'm not surprised you have restless nights! Perhaps you're putting them to good use.
    Thank you for popping by so assiduously to my blog it is really appreciated.
    I need to email you re friend and your address which I will do in a mo.

  7. Hi Annie. Thank you for stopping by my blog. Your visit was very much appreciated. What a wonderfully creative blog you have. From reading your post you seem to be busy and have lots of exciting things happening around you at the moment.
    All the very best Florence x

  8. The headbands are so easy so I will send you details. If you can't get cheap elastic headband I'll send you some as I get them for 50p for 6 headbands and 6 pony tail bands.
    Love Jo x

  9. Good to hear M has a date and feels better about things
    Fingers crossed..all so exciting lol
    Hugs to all xx

  10. I'm going out to shake our apple tree.... when the apple is ripe etc!!! Thinking of you all and hoping things go well and easy. Looking forward to good news soon...
    love Jo x


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