Thursday 8 September 2011

69, 70, 71 and 72

Just in case you think I have been slacking lately I thought I'd best show you the latest 4 little dresses I've made for the little African girls.  I've been pretty manic with my sewing business lately and spare time has been minimal but I like to run up a little dress in what ever free time I've got.....think I'm using them as distraction therapy while we play the waiting game with these babies.

Number 69 was made with a pillow case Suz gave me and I've added some of the lovely ribbon that Adrian from Cari Crafts sent us.

Number 70 was made with some of the pretty material Julie sent us.  I've trimmed it up with a pretty pink pocket with an appliqued flower on the front to match.

Numbers 71 and 72 were made with pillow cases one of my customers gave me.  Aren't they a lovely sunny yellow on this dull damp day?....just what we all need.

Our last parcel of 49 dresses has now arrived with Louise in Bristol and she has blogged them for us.  If you would like to check them out then please pop over to Louise and leave her a comment.


  1. How do you do it?! Those fingers of yours are never still - more lovely dresses, I think my fave is number a whisker :)) DI xx

  2. I was beginning to wonder about the parcel if it had arrived or not. The pretty flowered material looks very pretty.
    Julie xxxx

  3. Lots more gorgeousness there!! Will be down to show and tell soon!!

  4. Well..........thats a mystery!! I even left a comment! So I don't know where my brain was that day not even noticing my own parcel - perhaps I skipped the last picture because of all the pretty dresses and I just wanted to comment on those!
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  5. Hi there Annie they do look so very lovely! cant believe tis no 70 already! well done you. Shaz in oz.x

  6. How is M my lovely? I fully sympathise with her long labour HUGS xxx

  7. you girls are just fab, i've facebooked a link to your blog esp about the pillowcase dresses x

  8. Each is just beautiful Annie!

    I guess they may be a distraction of some sort for you!?

    I had to hop on over to Louise's blog too to see them all and remind myself of those super photos of the little ones wearing them!

    Sounds like your customers arent letting you sit idle for any length of time either!

    Keryn x

  9. Love the one with the yellow sunflowers on. Hugs Mrs A.


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